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Результатов поиска: 7

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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The War Academy The War Academy   Добавлено: Вс Авг 31, 2014 15:51   Тeмa: Mercenaries from provinces with garrison and tavern

Why every province with garrison and tavern, or inn, doesn't give possibility to hire mercenary unit from this particular province (another random unit), just the same mercenary for all provinces?
I've thought that more taverns, or inns, means bigger pool of potentially available random units.

For example:
I have three provinces with taverns. So I should have possibility to choose mercenary unit from three available slots (filled with random adventurers), each one slot in province's garrison, where tavern has been built.

Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 6799
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The War Academy The War Academy   Добавлено: Вс Авг 31, 2014 12:29   Тeмa: Re: Demolition old buildings in main province

Jazz писал(а):

No, this is not possible. Once constructed building can not be eliminated, so you need to build them thoughtfully.

What a pity. It demotivates me from playing Eador. Because the game became much more linear than I had expected (even on random map).
Option for demolition of buildings is available in almost all good games. This option gives a lot of more flexible strategies. Because player's provinces change over time of playing. For example - sometimes player has province with iron, mithril or wood, and sometimes has not. And this fact extorts changes in structure of armies. Then it is natural and logical to change proper building for training proper units.

Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 6799
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The War Academy The War Academy   Добавлено: Вс Авг 31, 2014 10:13   Тeмa: Demolition old buildings in main province

Is there possibility to demolish building which is no longer in use in main town?
For example I want to pull down building for training militia and at this place construct building for training bowmen.
 ζ Тема ζ: Inquisition

Ответов: 1
Просмотров: 2672
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вт Авг 26, 2014 22:53   Тeмa: Inquisition

I have two questions regarding inquisitors:

1. If I permit for inquisition activity on some province, then I should expect decreasing mood for this particular province, or for population in all kingdom?

2. If I do not permit for inquisition activity on starting province and I do not have appropriate guard for winning battle with inquisitors there, then I should expect checkmate (end game)?

Ответов: 70
Просмотров: 38206
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Авг 22, 2014 20:35   Тeмa: New Horizons 13.04Z eng v1.3b Bugs

Jazz писал(а):

The order of variables, if I'm not mistaken, should be "the province of %s", next "%d gold," and next "the hero %s". Try this.

Thank You!
It works. It seems that sprintf function in Eador.exe has assignment order: char*, int, char* (for /64 entry).

Ответов: 70
Просмотров: 38206
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Авг 22, 2014 19:16   Тeмa: New Horizons 13.04Z eng v1.3b Bugs

Jazz писал(а):

Can you copy here the dialogue /64 from your file "dialog.var"?

It is:

/64 Ăđŕáĺć ôčíŕëüíűé
Window: 2;
Bitmap: 10;
Text: #After obtaining %d gold by plundering the province of %s, the hero %s reports that all the locals have either been exterminated or went into hiding. It appears that further looting is not possible.
What are your orders, sir?#
Answer1: Burn the houses and salt the earth.;
Answer2: Curse these lands. (-15 & );
Answer3: Wait for new orders.;#####

Ответов: 70
Просмотров: 38206
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Авг 22, 2014 0:06   Тeмa: New Horizons 13.04Z eng v1.3b Bugs

Drakon писал(а):
What I want to be posted here for now are:
1) Game breaking bugs - crashes to desktop.


I have found the bug described on the forum: http://forums.elementalgame.com/425629/get;3293887

If you have a rebellious province, and decide to plunder them to extinction, the game crashes when their population runs out.

And link to: http://eador.com/pub/dialog.zip doesn't work.

I have read also that Bitmap: 106 bug, and I fixed it in my gog version of the game (in the file "dialog_eng.var").

The game still crashes.
Where can I find this dialog.zip? I've searched through web pages, and every suggestion to this 'eador plundering bug' goes to the link eador.com/pub/dialog.zip which is "Not Found".
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