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 ζ Тема ζ: Newcomers questions

Ответов: 40
Просмотров: 98530
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Capitol The Capitol   Добавлено: Пт Dec 14, 2012 2:54   Тeмa: Newcomers questions

Ankelesh писал(а):
Sorry, but this is not realised.

I know, and my original statement was simply looking for confirmation that that was the case. EugeneL, however, responded in a sarcastic manner, so I simply responded to him in kind Wink
 ζ Тема ζ: Newcomers questions

Ответов: 40
Просмотров: 98530
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Capitol The Capitol   Добавлено: Чт Dec 13, 2012 3:54   Тeмa: Newcomers questions

EugeneL писал(а):
Ashery писал(а):
I'm assuming, from the way that the information is presented, that quests can only be completed by the hero that acquired them.

It's true. Imagine, that the hero and the NPC make a deal. And NPC is patient enough and he waits until hero would complete his quest. And NPC respects his promises and don't give a quest to another hero. And will neglect each hero, which completes the quest, because NPC doesn't know them
You should treat Eador much more like an RPG, than TBS Rolling Eyes

Well, to continue that line of reasoning: Why can't my lowly wizard ask his archer buddy to clear out a spider nest for him? The shopkeeper wouldn't know which hero acquired the silk Wink
 ζ Тема ζ: Newcomers questions

Ответов: 40
Просмотров: 98530
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Capitol The Capitol   Добавлено: Ср Dec 12, 2012 13:41   Тeмa: Newcomers questions

Ankelesh писал(а):
Fenixp писал(а):
EugeneL: It might be, but it's preventing me from beating second shard, for the second time :-/ I suck at turn-based strategy, horribly. But I love what Eador does, I'd just like to do it at my own pace, not pushed into anything by opposing players. As far as I'm concerned, AI opponents are a nuisance and I just want to explore and do my thing.

You may build a circle of outposts around the enemy's province. This will take some time, but AI wouldn't move from his base.
As a exemple, unzip this save files at the eador/save and look, how I did this.https://www.dropbox.com/s/643zjbydvufqjds/save.rar Or You mast use the saves of another players. But, sorry, in Eador battles with AI is main line of the game.

Hah, glad to know that that outpost strategy is actually viable and I wasn't crazy when I suggested it on some other forums I frequent (RPGCodex, they were linked from a thread here).

For an actual question: I'm assuming, from the way that the information is presented, that quests can only be completed by the hero that acquired them. It's not a terrible complaint if that's the case, but I seem to build up quite a few quests on my low level explorer from the shops. My experience is, however, very limited so far as I've only gone through three shards (And all of them were on new games, heh).
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