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Результатов поиска: 671

Ответов: 14
Просмотров: 75841
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пн Окт 28, 2024 13:32   Тeмa: New Release: New Horizons 24.0106

As usual, I ran the executable through VirusTotal.
As usual, a few tools flag the binary as suspicious:
 ζ Тема ζ: New Horizons v24.0106.a

Ответов: 0
Просмотров: 1877
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Окт 25, 2024 22:12   Тeмa: New Horizons v24.0106.a

Hello Eador fans,

New Horizons v24.0106.a is available here:

This release is stand-alone, in other words:
Unzip anywhere, double-click the executable, and start playing!

Post bug reports, comments, suggestions, improvements, etc to the v24.0106.a discussion thread.


In previous versions, I would edit Eador.cfg manually for the release.
This time, I have kept the original configuration, so remember to tweak Eador.cfg
In particular, some of you might want to set Windowed to 0 (the default is 1)


Ответов: 14
Просмотров: 75841
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Окт 25, 2024 22:06   Тeмa: New Release: New Horizons 24.0106

It's ready!

Ответов: 14
Просмотров: 75841
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Авг 11, 2024 1:08   Тeмa: New Release: New Horizons 24.0106

Hello friends,
I have not been very active lately.
I should have some time in September to translate the latest version.

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 4607
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вт Фев 13, 2024 22:20   Тeмa: New Horizons v23.0710.a discussion thread

I don't remember the details, as I haven't played in a long time,
but there are various files in the 'save' folder.

However, since I was never given access to the NH source code,
I can't fix the savegame itself.

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 4607
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Ср Янв 17, 2024 17:12   Тeмa: New Horizons v23.0710.a discussion thread

Abszero писал(а):
I keep getting a crash in my game when I hit end turn.

Erf, that looks like a corrupted game state Sad
Do you have the previous savegame?

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 4607
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пн Ноя 20, 2023 2:37   Тeмa: New Horizons v23.0710.a discussion thread

Good catch, wortkarg.
No idea how this slipped through Sad
I'm not going to make a new release for that issue alone.

People wanting to fix it:
Open en/Text/Skill.txt and fix line 125.


Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 4607
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вт Ноя 07, 2023 10:33   Тeмa: New Horizons v23.0710.a discussion thread

Thanks Emre.
Everyone's enthusiasm for this awesome game is great motivation to keep translating every new release Wink
I've automated many of the steps required, thus it's not that much work.

Ответов: 12
Просмотров: 11898
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вт Ноя 07, 2023 3:13   Тeмa: "Эадор. Новые горизонты" 23.0710

A few lesser-known (to me) virus detection programs have flagged the binary:

Does anyone care to look into this?

Ответов: 12
Просмотров: 11898
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вт Ноя 07, 2023 3:09   Тeмa: "Эадор. Новые горизонты" 23.0710

Post bug reports, comments, suggestions, improvements, etc for the v23.0710.a version.
Download from https://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?t=4723
 ζ Тема ζ: New Horizons v23.0710.a

Ответов: 0
Просмотров: 6639
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вт Ноя 07, 2023 3:03   Тeмa: New Horizons v23.0710.a

Hello Eador fans,

New Horizons v23.0710.a is available here:

This release is stand-alone, in other words:
Unzip anywhere, double-click the executable, and start playing Wink

Post bug reports, comments, suggestions, improvements, etc to the v23.0710.a discussion thread.


In previous versions, I would edit Eador.cfg manually for the release.
This time, I have kept the original configuration, so remember to tweak Eador.cfg
In particular, some of you might want to set Windowed to 0 (the default is 1)


Ответов: 12
Просмотров: 11898
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Окт 20, 2023 19:45   Тeмa: "Эадор. Новые горизонты" 23.0710

Hello everyone,
Long time no see...
There are 230 segments to translate, thus 3-5 hours of work.
I should be able to publish the result before November.

Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 7135
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Фев 02, 2023 16:04   Тeмa: Re: dwarf

Pisushax писал(а):
There is a dwarf unit that goes to siege mode and does nothing at the beginning of the fight until he dies

This is unlikely to be a translation issue.
Can someone confirm it happens in the original version?
Is Jazz aware of the issue?


Ответов: 20
Просмотров: 16179
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Dec 23, 2022 12:45   Тeмa: New Horizons v22.0630.a

Boon947 писал(а):
By my estimate, there is about 3-6 hours of work required (only 80 segments).

It's a Christmas miracle: New Horizons v22.0630.a has been released Smile


Have fun!

Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 7135
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Dec 23, 2022 12:40   Тeмa: New Horizons v22.0630.a discussion thread

Post bug reports, comments, suggestions, improvements, etc for the v22.0630.a version.
Download from https://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?t=4697
 ζ Тема ζ: New Horizons v22.0630.a

Ответов: 0
Просмотров: 10091
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Dec 23, 2022 12:37   Тeмa: New Horizons v22.0630.a

Hello Eador fans,

Just in time for Christmas Smile

New Horizons v22.0630.a is available here:

This release is stand-alone, in other words:
Unzip anywhere, double-click the executable, and start playing Wink

Post bug reports, comments, suggestions, improvements, etc to the v22.0630.a discussion thread.


In previous versions, I would edit Eador.cfg manually for the release.
This time, I have kept the original configuration, so remember to tweak Eador.cfg
In particular, some of you might want to set Windowed to 0 (the default is 1)


Ответов: 20
Просмотров: 16179
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Сб Ноя 19, 2022 19:14   Тeмa: New Horizons v21.0630_f01.a discussion thread

Emre писал(а):
There is a new version released;
I don't know [how much new text was added] but it would be much appreciated if anyone cares to translate.

By my estimate, there is about 3-6 hours of work required (only 80 segments).
Not making promises, but I might be able to do it before December.

Ответов: 20
Просмотров: 16179
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Сб Ноя 19, 2022 18:49   Тeмa: Re: double shot and armor piercing

Pisushax писал(а):
I really enjoy the new patch you made but there are a few things I would love to be back where they where

Hello Pisushax,
Are you talking about "New Horizons v21.0630_f01.a" or a different version?

Pisushax писал(а):
first, you guys nerfed archer significantly by disabling armor piercing and double shots not working together he used to be a dragon slaughter, and now it struggles to kill dragons even at high levels other huge beasts as well
is there any way to edit game files so it works like previous versions? which file and what should have changed??

Are you talking about the hero or a regular unit?
To be clear, the game mechanics are discussed in the Russian part of the forum.
Here, we mostly discuss the translation errors I introduce Wink

Pisushax писал(а):
second, there used to be a cheat engine table for the earlier versions where you could reveal the map and see what resources you have around you I can't find something similar for this version and I fail to make one myself. do you guys know something about this one
in the new version, I really struggle with finding resources, especially the four main ones some of them are really far I would love to see at least these four essential resources (redwood, iron, mandrake, and horses) be close to my castle (maximum 4 provinces distance to the castle)

Try pinging Kzinch in this thread:


Ответов: 20
Просмотров: 16179
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Фев 03, 2022 21:32   Тeмa: New Horizons v21.0630_f01.a discussion thread

jamotide писал(а):
-The spell "Enchanted weapon" (Level 3 mass blessing) says "Increases all types of attacks to all friendly units by 1."
This sounds like it if it was a debuff. I would replace it with "attacks of all friendly units".

Good catch. Fix will be included if I ever do one more translation.

I don't think the "Battle Gryphons" issue is related to translation.

 ζ Тема ζ: Eador Genesis GNU/Linux port

Ответов: 35
Просмотров: 50503
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Ср Янв 19, 2022 19:14   Тeмa: Eador Genesis GNU/Linux port

Hello misz_hawk,

Here's your save in the Astral BEFORE you attack the current shard:
(Turn 22 in the Astral)

Your Shard save is up to Turn 72, that's a lot of work to throw away!
If you can finish the shard (on Windows, or in wine) then I can convert your next Astral save.

Or you can convert it yourself:

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