ζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen
Добавлено: Пт Апр 15, 2016 14:57
Тeмa: Feedback on New Horizons
Hello there, I registered here to post about NH
I think Eador is one of the best strategies out there, so it's great to see such a complex mod for it. I particularly like:
- The overhaul of non-human races and alliances.
- Many new units and new unique unit abilities, like shield bash or everything the halfling bard has.
- New diplomacy options. I keep discovering new ones, like allying with the inquisition or getting the bird people to join you after you have an alliance with another race.
- Manual province defense. It's fun and I no longer feel I'm wasting hard earned money on guards who lose fights they should've won.
- New economy model. It's still hard, but not as punishing as in the base game.
- New art. It's really good, some of it is so similar to base game's style I don't think I would be able to tell if it was in the game originally or not. Some of it kinda sticks out (like the Homm3 behemoth is in a different style than most sprites), some of it looks a little wonky (witcher, elf baldemaster, the new spiders, I don't know if these are borrowed from somewhere or what) but great work overall.
I've played the campaign with the 15.1231 version, translation 2.60 on expert difficulty.
- I think
http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?t=3553 is still an issue, either that or I just can't keep up with the AI. I don't have saves from these missions, unfortunately. Some things I saw:
- generic AI ruler (competent or skilled, I can't remember), day around 50-60, he has a ringleader level 15 or so (high, but not that incredible) + a bunch of very high level ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( units and 3 gargoyles... level around
- large map, one of the rulers is Oum (expert). At around day 100 he has a warrior (master assassin, I think, it wasn't a chieftain)
level 30 with two minotaurs
level 30 and a bunch of veteran tier 1-2 units + at least 2 other heroes around level 20+ with similar armies. I don't know if that's even possible unless there's something wrong with the xp modifiers.
- I think the neutral locations level grows way too high on some (larger?) maps. On one in particular, after clearing the 1st circle and most of the 2nd (one 2nd circle location had "DOMContentLoaded",()=>{let t=-179-(new Date).getTimezoneOffset();document.querySelectorAll( gnoll units so I had to avoid it), all I saw was: barbarians with behemoths, giant nomad armies and undead with multiple ghosts, all way too strong for me. I eventually broke out thanks to diplomacy, but most provinces on that map looked like they had the highest guard level possible. I think the difficulty curve of neutral province guards should be smoother, with less very hard provinces overall.
- the improved bonuses, units especially (like elves), you get for conquering shards now make the home shard defense mission much easier. Intentional?
Some random thoughts:
- I don't like units that ignore all terrain features (rats, orc archers). The terrain obstacles should be there for a reason. Nothing major, but it's slightly annoying to me.
- the orc shaman guy summoning totems with aoe attack is awkward and really hard to deal with on low levels. A 1st circle orc province is in my opinion way harder to deal with than any other right now.
- I think the adventurers guards could use a little buff with all the new units running around. Personal opinion but I would remove the orc and the goblin (their morale is horrible and IMO they don't really fit with the rest lore-wise) and the fairy and add a high-level barbarian (what kind of adventuring party doesn't have a barbarian?), a ranger (possibly for the elf?), a lizardman and a veteran spearman.
- I'd like to see more low-mid level locations in the early game provinces and less dragons and warlocks. This is not exclusive to NH but I almost never get to fight them (because the map is already over by the time I could) and new heroes I recruit later have nothing to fight to level up.
- Isn't the casino a little too good? For a tiny amount of gold you get gold income, gold % bonus and gem income AND a way to trade gold/gems? Not complaining, but it's really, really good. Shouldn't trading ability come from one of the market upgrades?
- I think the % chance of getting the upgrade to a veteran unit should be higher. You lose all your upgrades and level when you do, so it's not fair that sometimes you get it on level 10 and sometimes 15.
- why can't barbarian tribe guard be set on hills? Neutral clans spawn on hills all the time.
- I get why all 1st circle provinces are explored to 75% but it looks a little artificial. Maybe it could be something like 60-80% for plains, 50-60% for forests, etc?
- lizardmen archers have poison attack, but regular lizardmen can't even learn it. I know the regular warriors use spears and archers bite, but still.
- brotherhood of light and monk guards really need a buff (maybe add some swordsmen/crossbowmen to them?) right now they're just free xp for everyone outside smallest armies. They're so bad I'd rather use local militia than them.
Some things I'd like to see:
- choosing hero's starting skills. Not a new suggestion, but I hate getting necromancy when I'm playing for the good side, and some skills i just don't like having.
- a choice between 2 stats (from random among 3 strength, magic and command) on level-up.
- choosing a skill from more than 1 on level 10. It sucks when you want to go for a specific class but have to take a bad skill to do it.
- choosing upgrades for units that are recruited with higher level.
- fishing huts in costal provinces. More gold income is always good.
- a way to heal for the evil side. Maybe add healing as a potential upgrade for mid/high shamans, like fairies have?
- more special attacks/skills like shield bash. For example pikemen or halabardiers (maybe high level spearmen?) could skip a turn to get a free shot at any unit passing by them until next turn.
- I have no idea if that's even possible from technical standpoint, but I'd love to have a way to explore provinces without using heroes. On bigger maps you hit the limit on most provinces so fast you can't possibly explore even half of them. IMO some guards like adventurers, hunters or rangers should explore the province, even if it was 1% a turn. Not necessarily interact with stuff (that would be a giant balance issue), but just discover locations and allow more room for the town to grow.
- More unit scrolls/eggs! These are great. Same with neutral locations that allow recruiting units.