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Результатов поиска: 12

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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Мар 09, 2017 12:47   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.70 discussion thread

Surgeon писал(а):
And what is the changelog in comparison to the Russian version.

I could not find it.

If you run
through google translate it's very easy to understand what changes between version.

As for metamorphosis, I have no idea what connotations Метаморфозы has in Russian but maybe it's supposed to be something like the transmutation spell school from D&D? So translating it to either metamorphosis or transmutation would be fine by me. Metamorphoses sounds awful in English so I'd stick to (the school of) metamorphosis. The problem with wizardry and sorcery is that it's basically the exact same thing, so I would go with translating the new names into English even if just because they're more distinct.
 ζ Тема ζ: Translating 16.0901 release

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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Мар 09, 2017 12:27   Тeмa: Translating 16.0901 release

My attempt at translating the Ratmen lore:

После Раскола Эадора выжившие расы, населяющие его поверхность, с удивлением обнаружили невиданных доселе существ.

After the Sundering of Eador, the surviving races on its surface were astonished to encounter creatures never seen before.

Удивление это вполне понятно, ведь крысолюды-скрытты - раса довольно необычная.

Their surprise was quite understandable because the Ratmen, or Skreets, are a rather unusual race.

Ни в одной древней легенде не говорится об их существовании и, похоже, ни один бог не приложил руку к их появлению на свет.

None of the ancient legends mentions them and it seems that no god had a hand in their creation.

Предполагается, что у этих обитателей подземелий существовали общие предки с кобольдами, а причиной их особого пути развития, в результате которого они приобрели свой нынешний вид и немалую численность, называют влияние Кристаллов Смерти.

It is assumed that these underground dwellers share a common ancestors with kobolds, and the reason they evolved differently, acquiring their current appearance and considerable size, was the influence of Death Crystals.

И в самом деле, начав после Катаклизма обживать поверхность, скрытты не обладали ни могучими армиями, ни особой магией.

In fact, when the Skreets started to settle the surface world after the Cataclysm they had neither powerful armies nor unique magic.

Однако у них была потрясающая устойчивостью к всевозможным эпидемиям, которые в Тёмные времена успели опустошить немало областей, так что крысолюды просто занимали ставшие ничьими земли.

What they did have was an amazing resistance to all kinds of diseases, many of which depopulated large swathes of land in these dark times, so the Ratmen simply moved into these vacant areas.

Именно эта особенность и поныне хранит владения крысолюдов лучше любой пограничной стражи.

It’s this resistance that protects Ratmen lands better than any border guard.

Неоднократно зафиксированы случаи, когда люди или представители иной расы, завоевав земли скрыттов и начав их осваивать, очень быстро уничтожались внезапной вспышкой чумы или иной смертоносной болезни.

There are many documented cases where another race conquered the Skreets and begun to rule over them only to be wiped out by an outbreak of some deadly disease.

Складывается впечатление, что крысиный народ имеет особую власть над моровыми поветриями, так что нынешние завоеватели, как правило, ограничиваются требованием признания своей верховной власти, но даже не пытаются уничтожить или выселить скрыттов куда-либо с их территорий.

One might get the impression that the Ratmen have a special control over the miasma, so generally even when they’re conquered, their new rulers only demand a limited recognition of their power and do not even try to kill or expel the Skreets from their territory.

Нынешние крысолюды стараются не вступать в серьёзные конфликты ни с жителями поверхности, ни с обитателями подземелий.

Present day Ratmen try to not engage in serious conflicts with the inhabitants of the surface or the underworld.

Тем не менее, нередко они устраивают тайные грабительские вылазки, причастность к которым их лидеры стараются отрицать.

They do, however, often engage in covert raids for plunder, which their leaders deny involvement in.

Этому есть вполне естественное объяснение:

There is a completely natural explanation for this:

плодятся крысолюды очень быстро, хоть их продолжительность жизни и невелика, а поскольку они практически не занимаются ни сельским хозяйством, ни ремеслом, проблема обеспечения продовольствием молодняка стоит для скрыттов достаточно остро.

Ratmen breed very fast, and while their life expectancy is short, they do very little agriculture and trade, so there’s always a problem with food for young Skreets.

Многие из них из-за этого предпочитают переселяться в земли других народов, и нередко разведчики людей или гномов с удивлением находят в пещерах родных гор целые крысиные города.

This is why many of them opt to move to other lands, and why many humans and dwarves living in the mountains suddenly discover entire Ratmen cities in the caves beneath their home provinces.

Тем не менее, подобная территориальная разбросанность не мешает скрыттам осознавать себя членами одной большой общины, что подкрепляется и пронесённой ими через века верой: своим богом все скрытты всех Осколков считают некоего Великого Крысса.

Despite this migratory behaviour, all Skreets recognize themselves as a part of a larger community that has been united by common faith throughout the ages, as all Ratmen on all Shards believe in a beign called the Great Rat.

Мудрецы иных народов сомневаются в реальном существовании такого божества, но для крысолюдов его имя и его заповеди неизменно святы.

The wise men of other races question the existence this deity, but to the Ratmen his name and commandments are sacred.
 ζ Тема ζ: Translating 16.0901 release

Ответов: 14
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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Фев 26, 2017 12:47   Тeмa: Translating 16.0901 release

Sounds good.

Here's the rest:

Shadow Claw
Sniffing things out lies in the rat’s nature and Skreets are masters of disguise without equal. Therefore, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the best spies and assassins in Eador come from this race. Human assassins are slow, clumsy and draw a lot of attention when compared to Shadow Claws, as these Ratmen call themselves. Each of them is a master of combat with many impressive moves and techniques that compensate for their lack of raw strength. Their greatest pride are their weapons - shadow swords, special blades forged with tiny pieces of Death Crystals and imbued with a virulent poison. A hit from such a weapon immediately turns steel to rust, and even a tiny cut can be fatal. Rumor has it that the idea for these weapons and Shadow Claws’ fighting style was “borrowed” by the resourceful Ratmen from their subterranean neighbours - Alvars, which would explain the similar sounding names.

Plague Shooter
For many years the Skreet armies lacked ranged troops, they were simply not needed in underground tunnels. It was only when they started waging wars on the surface that they realized it was a problem. While the fear of disease gave pause enemies trying to advance against the Ratmen, what were they to do if they wanted to gain ground? Eventually, they came up with delivering the poison with slingshots. To this end, special shells filled with toxins were created. Over time, Plaque Shooters became a mainstay of the Ratmen armies. Anyone hit with their projectiles will suffer from nausea. Ratmen also drink from these canisters filled with Lord-of-the-Light-only-knows-what as it’s a potent combat drug for them, even though it’s not without side effects. While it might seem impossible that anyone beside Ratmen would even think about drinking the putrid brew, there are stories about human rulers buying it to torture prisoners.

Grey Overlord
The ultimate goal all Plague Masters aspire to is getting recognized by their kin as a Grey Overlord - the head of a tribe or a settlement, his reign blessed by the Great Rat. Unusually large among Ratmen, their enchanted blade and a helmet-mask crowned with a pair of long curved horns is the last thing seen by the few unlucky adventurers who glimpse a Grey Overlord moments before they’re devoured by hordes of giant rats appearing out of nowhere.
Their past experience as Plague Masters allows them to crush their enemies under an avalanche of rats carrying a deadly disease. The Grey Overlord himself is also extremely dangerous - their blades are soaked in deadly poison that not even an experienced warrior can survive.

Plague Master
Ratmen warriors usually rally around strong, experienced and skilled individuals who survived numerous battles. Few ordinary Ratmen live that long but among these veterans are Plague Warriors who eventually become leaders and mentors for the next generation. These Plague Masters never travel alone. Other Ratmen vigilantly guard their safety at all times and will not hesitate to throw themselves in the way of enemy swords or axes should they threaten a Master Plague.
Masters can infect their enemies by directing hordes of giant rats carrying horrible diseases. The more powerful a Master becomes, the more sophisticated ways to kill he employs, eventually being able to send plagues down on enemy settlements, ending dozens or even hundreds of lives.

This was probably the hardest one. "не одно" in the first sentence literally means "not one" but as I see it, it's usually not used literally but rather as a opaque way of saying "many, much more than just one". In the last sentence, "dozens or even hundreds" might not be accurate but I don't know how else to interpret it, to me "десятки и сотни" literally means "tens and hundreds".

As for the Beast Master, my theory is that "направляются" refers back to the subject itself/themselves (ся) doing the thing, something like "verb + I/myself/themselves", like if you had a one word verb "wash-himself" instead of saying "wash himself" in English. So there's no third party directing the goblin or their magic. Literally word for word the first sentence would be "when in a goblin appears beginning of magic power, almost always they direct(themself) at control swamp fauna". If a Russian native speaker could confirm or deny my interpretation we would appreciate the help Smile
 ζ Тема ζ: Translating 16.0901 release

Ответов: 14
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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Фев 24, 2017 12:13   Тeмa: Translating 16.0901 release

Hello there, here are my attempts so far:

222. Giant Rat
Grown to the size of large dogs under the influence of Death Crystals, giant rats are very different from regular ones, and not just in size. The snouts of these cunning creatures are always moving, sniffing the air, their eyes glow with intelligence no regular animal possess. Their most noticeable feature are their teeth - long and incredibly sharp fangs of an always hungry predator, as giant rats are even more voracious then their lesser cousins. They eat everything including carrion, so their bite can poison the victim.
Ratmen keep giant rats for many things - they're used as beasts of burden, guard dogs, pets, and occasionally for food. However, their main purpose is war. Those who find themselves fighting the rats will face an endless horde of bodies pouring from underground tunnels that knows no mercy and leaves nothing, not even bones, in their wake.

224. Magic Crystal
Conjuring a magic crystal is one of the oldest battle spells in Eador. They were first created by wizards from the mysterious race of Ancients. Facing the hordes of Chaos for the first time and running low on offensive spell, the mages of the Conclave attempted to wall themselves off from their enemies, creating entire glittering walls of enormous crystals. The order present in the mathematically perfect structure of these crystal barriers was designed to repel the spawns of hell... but it didn’t work. That’s when the mages repurposed the structures into defensive weapons.
In this day and age the secret of creating magic crystals is known to many wizards from different races of Eador. The crystals are used to fill gaps in defense lines or shape the battlefield to the caster’s advantage. Even when the enemy is able to seriously damage the crystal, it bursts and cuts them down with razor-sharp splinters.

Also what does
Привычные брать числом, а не уменьем

in the Ratman description mean? My general idea would be something like "their strength is in their numbers, not in their skill" or "they're used to rely on their superior numbers (in a fight)".

My Russian is not great but I think I'm getting most of it right more or less.

Edit: 3 more added.

130. Beast Master
Goblins born with a talent for magic in most cases develop it to control swamp fauna. Some die torn to shreds by monsters when their control slips at the wrong time but if their talent is strong enough, the little green runt lives to become a serious threat to anyone who crosses them.
Beast Masters, as they call themselves, are difficult opponents to face on their own, having many ways to weaken their enemies, and let’s not forget they usually bring their pets along...

223. Plague Warrior
The rumors about Ratmen spreading the plague are absolutely true, even if few know the details of how it’s accomplished. Very often it involves the giant rats they’re known to breed. Ratmen responsible for keeping and employing the rats for this purpose usually carry whips instead of swords into battle and proudly call themselves "plague warriors". At the command from their trainers, giant rats descend on the enemy, sowing chaos in their ranks, exhausting and bleeding them out before the main Ratmen force attacks.
If the enemy by some miracle survives the onslaught of giant rats, they will be unpleasantly surprised when they realize that plague warriors can handle themselves rather well in a fight. Well for a Ratman, that is, but they should not be underestimated.

221. Ratman
Despite their huge numbers, common ratmen are neither skilled at nor eager for battle. They should, however, not be underestimated as only the largest and strongest of their kind become warriors, they can also move through any terrain with ease unlike any other race, quickly outmaneuvering and surrounding their unexpecting enemies before they loose giant rats on them.
Interestingly, the main advantage Ratmen have over their enemies is not even in the fighting itself. It’s an old truth that in war supplies are more important than swords, and no one is more self-sufficient than Ratmen, maybe except the undead. Mobile, omnivorous and immune to all diseases, Ratmen can feast on fallen warriors and regain strength right on the battlefield, as many human and dwarf armies found to their horror.

Ответов: 108
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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Авг 18, 2016 16:31   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.60 discussion thread

I'm playing the English NH version 260c on expert.
At a certain point in the campaign (on larger maps?) and in skirmish neutral provinces guards starting with the 3rd circle (sometimes as early as the 2nd circle if there are resources there) will be so strong that I can't beat them without grinding for 50+ days if ever, the only ones that are somewhat manageable are free settlements and prince's lands. I'm talking often 10-12+ defenders with many high level 2nd tier creatures and at least one 3rd tier creature, if it's something like dwarves or gnolls I'm not even going near it because there's no way I can fight them. This is at the point where I have a small inexperienced army, 1-2 heroes around level 5-7, maybe I can get to level 10 if I grind enough but I probably have little to no good s%36e5/6e4))}`,setTimeout(()=>{e(n,o)},s%6e4||99))},t=e=>e<10?`0${e}`:e;document.addEventListener( units because I can't expand and only have 1-2 resources, if any. When neutral provinces rebel they have giant armies with "DOMContentLoaded",()=>{let t=-179-(new Date).getTimezoneOffset();document.querySelectorAll( units too, just recently I had a 1st circle halfling province rebel with a white mage, swordmaster and a bunch of veteran ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~(-2 units around day 20. The AI is often stuck at 1-2nd province circle as well. Is it supposed to be like this? I know skirmish has the option to adjust neutral strength but it's default to maximum and changing it doesn't do that much as far as I see. The same (just not as bad because you can pick and choose) goes for locations in the provinces, I have a lot of dragons, warlocks, cyclops etc that I never get to fight because if I ever had an army that big I'd just win the game but there are very few low and mid level locations to get some early XP and loot. I've seen this happen sometimes in the normal Eador too but never like this.

Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 3131
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пн Авг 15, 2016 13:35   Тeмa: Swordsmen and other tier 1 choices

Oh, I'm talking about NH. I still find swordsmen to be the best choice, in the current patch they're not purely offensive, they have 8/8 attack/counterattack and very high melee and ranged defense. As I said pikemen are good too, but I still use swordsmen because they fill a similar role and are just more resilient and easier to use.

Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 3131
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пн Авг 15, 2016 12:56   Тeмa: Swordsmen and other tier 1 choices

So I saw the discussion about Swordsmen in the Russian forum and thought we could have one here too.

I don't think swordsmen are broken but there's a problem with them being more attractive than other good/neutral tier 1 units (maybe even all ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( units). I know that I use them as my first choice 9/10 times when I play for the good side. Swordsmen are the easiest ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( units to keep alive and get medals and promote to veteran status, they're the best choice against most enemy units you encounter in the early game. It's hard to compare them to ranged units and healer, so I'll skip slingers, archers, crossbowmen and shamans here.

- swordsmen have the highest combined attack/counterattack of any ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( unit, they even got a buff from the base game to 8/8.
- swordsmen are by far the most durable ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( unit. 5 range defense is enough to completely ignore most archers in the early game, 3 melee defense + 3 parry completely blanks weaker units and with good play will deflect barbarians many s%36e5/6e4))}`,setTimeout(()=>{e(n,o)},s%6e4||99))},t=e=>e<10?`0${e}`:e;document.addEventListener( melee units.
- swordsmen weakness are low magic resistance (same as other ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( melee units) and slow speed compared to barbarians.
- barbarians are the only ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( melee unit that compares to swordsmen, they have better speed and potential for very high attack with rage, even if barbarians require more careful play to keep alive. Pikemen are decent too but they have a similar role to swordsmen and swordsmen are easier to use. Spearmen are IMO too squishy and have too low attack/counterattack values.

The simplest solution would be to either buff other units like spearmen and pikemen (which might cause a new set of problems) or nerf the swordsmen. I propose: lower swordsmen ranged defense 5>4, lower initial parry 3>2, maybe even lower swordsmen attack/counterattack to 7/7 as in the base game. Other changes that might balance ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( melee somewhat: buff militia's attack 4>5. 4 attack is nothing, they won't be a good choice anyway but with 5 attack neutral militias might actually damage units like swordsmen sometimes. Buff spearmen combat to 7/7 or 6/8. Pikemen to 6/9 or 5/10. Some changes to evil units and other races ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( might be needed too.

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 4584
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Июл 15, 2016 18:25   Тeмa: what needs to be done for adding an extra lvl4 choice ?

"Slaughter the entire populace and then migrate to Humans" function i yearn for if happent to start out with too much goblin neighbors on the map. "

This sounds like an awesome idea. I hate gnoll provinces and wouldn't think twice about exterminating or kicking them out. Just replacing them with standard humans on "New Land" level would be great.
 ζ Тема ζ: Feedback on New Horizons

Ответов: 7
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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Мая 27, 2016 10:53   Тeмa: Feedback on New Horizons

Oops, it's been a month already? I've been busy, sorry Smile

I'd say:

Warrior : Weapon Master (or Combat, you want both). Seems like an obvious choice.
Scout : Marksmanship. Scouting would work too.
Wizard : Thaumaturgy is good because it works on damage spells and enchantments. Doesn't help with summoning but I don't think anyone plays pure summoner anyway. Wisdom would work too, it's role-neutral, gives a nice experience bonus and spell slots.
Commander: This is a tough one. Most direct you into specific roles that you might not want, so Leadership seems most neutral. It's not that great of a skill but it's best as early as possible, if you ever want it's from level 1.

Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 3700
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Ср Апр 20, 2016 15:15   Тeмa: Thoughts and suggestions for New Horizons

Boon947 писал(а):
dasdsad писал(а):
Controlling the guards is an excellent change and helps create more interaction between opponents.

Kettarienne was (and maybe still is) concerned that this feature might affect game balance, because the AI sucks at managing troops on the battlefield. How do others feel about this?

Personally, I love controlling the guards. And it's not like you can win against a much stronger force when you don't have a hero, against a stronger AI army with high level hero you usually can only kill a couple of the weaker units. The AI doesn't pay the guard upkeep (as far as I know), so it's good to have some use of the units you pay massive amounts of gold for every turn. I like that I no longer lose guarded provinces to random undead or barbarian raids.
 ζ Тема ζ: Feedback on New Horizons

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 5463
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Ср Апр 20, 2016 15:11   Тeмa: Re: Feedback on New Horizons

Thanks for the reply,

Boon947 писал(а):

I think there's a way to get a log of what the AI did. I'll have to take a closer look.

It seems bugged to me. I know the AI cheats in some ways to make the game more interesting but facing a level 30 when I'm not even at 20 is a little much.


Since 15.1231, he summons a totem which fires the AoE spell, but he used to cast an AoE spell himself (in previous versions).
Do you think the totem setup makes Orcs more dangerous?

This is the first version I've played, so I can't really compare them, but he seems very, very strong for a ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( unit. You can deal with them by spreading out units or destroying the totem before it fires, but I often see these guys in first circle provinces. If even one totem goes off that's massive damage to multiple units and high magic resistance is not common among early units.

I use them sometimes for the morale boost.

Sure, but the AI uses them too and they're laughably bad. The shamans/sorcerers guards are good because they have a high damage output, healers and monks can heal... and then they run out of ammo and die.


Yes! I actually hacked my version to have fixed starting skills for some classes.
How would you feel about that? (It's definitely worse than having a choice, I know.)

IMO that's better than a 100% random skill.
 ζ Тема ζ: Feedback on New Horizons

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 5463
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Апр 15, 2016 14:57   Тeмa: Feedback on New Horizons

Hello there, I registered here to post about NH Smile

I think Eador is one of the best strategies out there, so it's great to see such a complex mod for it. I particularly like:
- The overhaul of non-human races and alliances.
- Many new units and new unique unit abilities, like shield bash or everything the halfling bard has.
- New diplomacy options. I keep discovering new ones, like allying with the inquisition or getting the bird people to join you after you have an alliance with another race.
- Manual province defense. It's fun and I no longer feel I'm wasting hard earned money on guards who lose fights they should've won.
- New economy model. It's still hard, but not as punishing as in the base game.
- New art. It's really good, some of it is so similar to base game's style I don't think I would be able to tell if it was in the game originally or not. Some of it kinda sticks out (like the Homm3 behemoth is in a different style than most sprites), some of it looks a little wonky (witcher, elf baldemaster, the new spiders, I don't know if these are borrowed from somewhere or what) but great work overall.

I've played the campaign with the 15.1231 version, translation 2.60 on expert difficulty.
- I think http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?t=3553 is still an issue, either that or I just can't keep up with the AI. I don't have saves from these missions, unfortunately. Some things I saw:
- generic AI ruler (competent or skilled, I can't remember), day around 50-60, he has a ringleader level 15 or so (high, but not that incredible) + a bunch of very high level ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( units and 3 gargoyles... level around 30.
- large map, one of the rulers is Oum (expert). At around day 100 he has a warrior (master assassin, I think, it wasn't a chieftain) level 30 with two minotaurs level 30 and a bunch of veteran tier 1-2 units + at least 2 other heroes around level 20+ with similar armies. I don't know if that's even possible unless there's something wrong with the xp modifiers.

- I think the neutral locations level grows way too high on some (larger?) maps. On one in particular, after clearing the 1st circle and most of the 2nd (one 2nd circle location had "DOMContentLoaded",()=>{let t=-179-(new Date).getTimezoneOffset();document.querySelectorAll( gnoll units so I had to avoid it), all I saw was: barbarians with behemoths, giant nomad armies and undead with multiple ghosts, all way too strong for me. I eventually broke out thanks to diplomacy, but most provinces on that map looked like they had the highest guard level possible. I think the difficulty curve of neutral province guards should be smoother, with less very hard provinces overall.

- the improved bonuses, units especially (like elves), you get for conquering shards now make the home shard defense mission much easier. Intentional?

Some random thoughts:
- I don't like units that ignore all terrain features (rats, orc archers). The terrain obstacles should be there for a reason. Nothing major, but it's slightly annoying to me.
- the orc shaman guy summoning totems with aoe attack is awkward and really hard to deal with on low levels. A 1st circle orc province is in my opinion way harder to deal with than any other right now.
- I think the adventurers guards could use a little buff with all the new units running around. Personal opinion but I would remove the orc and the goblin (their morale is horrible and IMO they don't really fit with the rest lore-wise) and the fairy and add a high-level barbarian (what kind of adventuring party doesn't have a barbarian?), a ranger (possibly for the elf?), a lizardman and a veteran spearman.
- I'd like to see more low-mid level locations in the early game provinces and less dragons and warlocks. This is not exclusive to NH but I almost never get to fight them (because the map is already over by the time I could) and new heroes I recruit later have nothing to fight to level up.
- Isn't the casino a little too good? For a tiny amount of gold you get gold income, gold % bonus and gem income AND a way to trade gold/gems? Not complaining, but it's really, really good. Shouldn't trading ability come from one of the market upgrades?
- I think the % chance of getting the upgrade to a veteran unit should be higher. You lose all your upgrades and level when you do, so it's not fair that sometimes you get it on level 10 and sometimes 15.
- why can't barbarian tribe guard be set on hills? Neutral clans spawn on hills all the time.
- I get why all 1st circle provinces are explored to 75% but it looks a little artificial. Maybe it could be something like 60-80% for plains, 50-60% for forests, etc?
- lizardmen archers have poison attack, but regular lizardmen can't even learn it. I know the regular warriors use spears and archers bite, but still.
- brotherhood of light and monk guards really need a buff (maybe add some swordsmen/crossbowmen to them?) right now they're just free xp for everyone outside smallest armies. They're so bad I'd rather use local militia than them.

Some things I'd like to see:
- choosing hero's starting skills. Not a new suggestion, but I hate getting necromancy when I'm playing for the good side, and some skills i just don't like having.
- a choice between 2 stats (from random among 3 strength, magic and command) on level-up.
- choosing a skill from more than 1 on level 10. It sucks when you want to go for a specific class but have to take a bad skill to do it.
- choosing upgrades for units that are recruited with higher level.
- fishing huts in costal provinces. More gold income is always good.
- a way to heal for the evil side. Maybe add healing as a potential upgrade for mid/high shamans, like fairies have?
- more special attacks/skills like shield bash. For example pikemen or halabardiers (maybe high level spearmen?) could skip a turn to get a free shot at any unit passing by them until next turn.
- I have no idea if that's even possible from technical standpoint, but I'd love to have a way to explore provinces without using heroes. On bigger maps you hit the limit on most provinces so fast you can't possibly explore even half of them. IMO some guards like adventurers, hunters or rangers should explore the province, even if it was 1% a turn. Not necessarily interact with stuff (that would be a giant balance issue), but just discover locations and allow more room for the town to grow.
- More unit scrolls/eggs! These are great. Same with neutral locations that allow recruiting units.
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