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Результатов поиска: 36

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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Мар 05, 2017 20:05   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.70 discussion thread

And what is the changelog in comparison to the Russian version.

I could not find it.

Ответов: 66
Просмотров: 25991
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Сб Мар 04, 2017 2:30   Тeмa: Re: New Horizons v2.70 discussion thread

Boon947 писал(а):
Post bug reports, comments, suggestions, improvements, etc for the v2.70 version

And where is the changelog?
 ζ Тема ζ: Two Orcish bugs

Ответов: 1
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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Июн 19, 2016 3:54   Тeмa: Two Orcish bugs

1. The Cleaver unit is in the text description of the building that's his prerequisite called "Slayer"
2. It is stated that an Orc outpost MAY BE built next to an ordinary outpost. This is not the case. There rather must NOT be an Outpost in order to be able to build an Orc outpost.

Ответов: 108
Просмотров: 44020
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Мая 27, 2016 1:24   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.60 discussion thread

I must've messed up something...how to enable control over the hired guards again???
 ζ Тема ζ: Feedback on New Horizons

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 5515
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Мая 26, 2016 18:52   Тeмa: Re: Feedback on New Horizons

Boon947 писал(а):
Surgeon писал(а):
But how about the Commander?

I haven't had time to play the Commander.
Which starting skill do you vote for?


Leadership or Discipline. My first opinion is Leadership without a doubt; its name plainly asks for that. Smile Since the Commander is pretty weak in the beginning of the game, leveling up more quickly seems to be relatively important for the units to bump up their stats, plus the morale bonus is nice. But what makes me think about Discipline is Leadership might at the very start seem a bit too weak, when every single HP is important. The +1 HP from Discipline in that sense might be more valuable (along with the nice resistance bonus).

Perhaps if the EXP gain would be bigger, like in the case of Wisdom with the hero. But I realize that would be a bit OP (at lvl 5 it would hypothetically be +50% experience gain and the commander already does seem overpowered in the late game). Perhaps the exp gain from Leadership should be higher in the beginning and then lower later on, to offset that?

By the way, regarding the choice of skills, it's not just about starting. It's always a problem if you don't simply want to go "evil" and want some magic - there's always a chance to get Necromacy. I always get pissed off when I want to get my Scout into a Ranger and he suddenly has got to become a necromancer.
Does that depend in any way on karma? I think it doesn't. If it did (e.g. negative karma yields that) I would understand it.

Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 3770
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Мая 26, 2016 16:05   Тeмa: Thoughts and suggestions for New Horizons

Is this possible? http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?t=3737
 ζ Тема ζ: Feedback on New Horizons

Ответов: 7
Просмотров: 5515
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Мая 26, 2016 16:04   Тeмa: Re: Feedback on New Horizons

Boon947 писал(а):
DS писал(а):
Boon947 писал(а):
I actually hacked my version to have fixed starting skills for some classes.
How would you feel about that? (It's definitely worse than having a choice, I know.)

IMO that's better than a 100% random skill.

For the next release, I'll put the hacked binary up for download.
Those who prefer a known skill over a random skill can then replace the standard binary.

Do you agree with these choices?

Warrior : Combat
Scout : Marksmanship
Wizard : Thaumaturgy


If he doesn't, I agree. But how about the Commander?
 ζ Тема ζ: Going all-neutral?

Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 3470
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Мая 26, 2016 15:56   Тeмa: Going all-neutral?

Surgeon писал(а):
Kettarienne писал(а):
Surgeon писал(а):
Are there any campaign ramifications? I ask because it seems to me the campaign is really designed for going either pure evil or goody.
Campain itself does not really care about your karma. Some masters might, but IIRC all of the endings are perfectly viable with any karma. Well, maybe one is impossible with negative enough karma, but I doubt even that.

But the Orcs submitting me due to negative Karma, calling me "the Dark Lord" - shouldn't that be normal?

Is this due to karma or something else?
 ζ Тема ζ: Question about Medals

Ответов: 12
Просмотров: 4589
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Мая 26, 2016 15:56   Тeмa: Question about Medals

I'm not sure I understand the issue at stake... why is precisely the data on medals unknown?

Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 3574
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Мая 26, 2016 15:51   Тeмa: Re: New Horizons 2.60b: Looking for strategies

jamotide писал(а):
I can only properly start and play with pure mage or with the strategist (commander -> ranger). Anyone know some good strategies with the other hero types? Like how to build them up and how their strength works.

That depends on your world type and available technologies. I'm rather surprised you manage with a pure mage, since it requires quite a lot of crystals; the swamplands are best for mages due to crystals, for instance.

I've always found the ranger, due to his speed, the best hero. He is useful in almost every map and I've found the ranger->commander (ringleader) mixing being my most frequent type of hero.

The rangers' strength is his speed, while his greatest problem is that he can't take a lot of punch. He's absolutely tremendous early game (since in the start you get only Slingers and they're basically the junk of all ranged units) but his strength fades later on, so he might not be for the long-game. There are battles that are practically almost impossible to win even with a fully equipped leveled-up ranger accompanied with a strong army. But in any case, your first tactic is to immediately go buy him a bow and arrows and some armor and send him off scouting while building up your stronghold.

By the way, it also depends slightly on your alignment. Some units are more useful than others; it's also a problem if you mix up the various different morality units due to the loss on bonus. Militia and Slinger are good cheap units if you want to use as cannon fodder and then resurrect them mid-battle with the necro dude.

Ответов: 108
Просмотров: 44020
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Фев 21, 2016 3:08   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.60 discussion thread

Boon947 писал(а):
Surgeon писал(а):
I sorely miss the old main screen soundtrack. It was brilliant; epic with a slow build and, it seems to me, of better sound quality than the current version.

http://eador.online.fr/GODS_Title.ogg Wink
Dunno why they changed it...
I can show you how to change it back, it's just not as simple as it could be IMHO.

Apparently, this is the inspiration for the track?

Surgeon писал(а):
Also, there's a bug in the tutorial mission. Whenever you click end turn, the message warns you that "you haven't built anything" (despite not actually being able to, of course). It's annoying.

Work around: go into the Settings menu, and uncheck the "Construction" message (at least during the tutorial).


And the F10-pressing auto-battle?

Ответов: 108
Просмотров: 44020
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Фев 21, 2016 1:46   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.60 discussion thread

I sorely miss the old main screen soundtrack. It was brilliant; epic with a slow build and, it seems to me, of better sound quality than the current version.

Why the change?

EDIT: Also, there's a bug in the tutorial mission. Whenever you click end turn, the message warns you that "you haven't built anything" (despite not actually being able to, of course). It's annoying.

EDIT II: I just don't get it. Why's it continually asking me why I'm leaving people idle in provinces???

EDIT III: Auto-battle is no longer asking whether the hero is allowed to cast spells or summon units.
 ζ Тема ζ: Going all-neutral?

Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 3470
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Фев 21, 2016 1:36   Тeмa: Going all-neutral?

Kettarienne писал(а):
Surgeon писал(а):
Are there any campaign ramifications? I ask because it seems to me the campaign is really designed for going either pure evil or goody.
Campain itself does not really care about your karma. Some masters might, but IIRC all of the endings are perfectly viable with any karma. Well, maybe one is impossible with negative enough karma, but I doubt even that.

But the Orcs submitting me due to negative Karma, calling me "the Dark Lord" - shouldn't that be normal?
 ζ Тема ζ: Going all-neutral?

Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 3470
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Янв 17, 2016 2:41   Тeмa: Going all-neutral?

Kettarienne писал(а):
All-out artillery strategist works quite fine as a late-game strategy. Archers, ballistae, catapults, some dwarven machines. Obliterate everything within a turn.
Starting all-neutral is harder, but not impossible. Dying spearmen with a warrior (you can play warrior with any units, actually, they are there to soak up some damage until he gets a good armor and weapon and goes on alone), living spearmen with a scout or a wizard, spearmen and slingers with a commander.
Ah, and much depends on the difficulty. The above is being said with medium "expert" in mind.

Are there any campaign ramifications? I ask because it seems to me the campaign is really designed for going either pure evil or goody.
 ζ Тема ζ: Going all-neutral?

Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 3470
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Сб Янв 16, 2016 6:22   Тeмa: Going all-neutral?

Are there any working tactics for going all-neutral?
It seems difficult; at times quite impossible. The Militia and Slingers are so weak they die so often they have to be raised again after almost every battle.

Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 4543
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Чт Янв 14, 2016 22:50   Тeмa: [New Horizons] Winning a game on Beginner difficulty?

In short, your problem is far too slow territorial expansion.
 ζ Тема ζ: Translating 15.1231 release

Ответов: 61
Просмотров: 18455
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Янв 10, 2016 16:11   Тeмa: Translating 15.1231 release

And how about "Ravager"?

Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 2197
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Янв 10, 2016 16:10   Тeмa: Is the Necromancer a worse necromancer than the Archmage

Kettarienne писал(а):
If you are talking about New Horizons, necromancer is certainly a better necromancer then archmage. Arch has 7 levels from the necromancy skill and 5 from the summoning skill (affects undead with half of the power). Master necromancer has 4+3 from skills and 10 from the class bonus. Then there are reduced cost on undead binding and upkeep, double commander bonuses for undead etc etc.
Druid was introduced in the NH at the same time necromancer became the mage-commander class (was the mage-ranger in vanilla). That was in early 2013 I guess.

Must've accidentally played the original and thus mixed it up...

Ответов: 2
Просмотров: 2197
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Янв 10, 2016 7:46   Тeмa: Is the Necromancer a worse necromancer than the Archmage

Isn't it a bit weird that the Archmage has better necromantic potentials than the Necromancer? I understand the game's mechanics and all the dual-class thingies...but you know what I mean?

P. S. What's this Druid? I don't remember it in the previous versions of the game and don't see the latest patch added him.
 ζ Тема ζ: Tips for beginners

Ответов: 6
Просмотров: 20650
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The War Academy The War Academy   Добавлено: Сб Янв 09, 2016 3:53   Тeмa: Tips for beginners

This is great. Are there any plans to continue?
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