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Результатов поиска: 2

Ответов: 3
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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Авг 23, 2015 10:27   Тeмa: External editor to edit var text files

Than you for quick replay.

I see that this tool is limited to events, quests, encouters etc. Also i see that things like indexes are still as numbers not explained what is means (text selected from combo box), this would allow more modders to work on it.

Is there are any requirements from community to have such tool yet with more functions including loading specific bitmap data from dat files ?

If previous question would be yes then if you tried to gathered requirements from community what should be included inside (mainly in the russian part of the forum) ?


Ответов: 3
Просмотров: 3898
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Авг 23, 2015 0:05   Тeмa: External editor to edit var text files

Hello Guys,

I wonder if there is var files editor somewhere ? I mean application that actually loads var files and allow to edit them from UI level, so you don't have to remember all number or indexes, instead just pick them from the combo box list etc...

If yes then could you please share how to get it ?
If not anyone is interested in using such tool for further modding ?

And notepad++ is not the editor as you still need to keep all references between different var files on your head.

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