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The Guild of Craftsmen
Добавлено: Сб Авг 29, 2015 9:39
Тeмa: Genesis Modding questions
"Spells are almost fully softcoded. Look for spells.var.
Abilities are hardcoded, and the respective var only lists them, but there is much you can do by just rearranging skills or changing their values."
I see that I can change parameters in the var, but the thing is I don't know what the parameters are for. I could always experiment to find out (probably the most practical way in this situation) but I was also thinking about looking at the code in case it turned out to be more convenient.
"Do you have something exact in mind? "
Well right now I'm in more of a "scouting" phase and just wanted to check things out. I'm also thinking about what changes I might like to make. I am thinking about increasing morale decrements for nearby allies killed though, putting a permanent -1 stamina per turn on some units, and reducing all speeds and ranges by 1 (except for those which are already 1).
I'm pretty sure I easily know how to do all of that (though the implementation might not be the greatest) except for the first part.
Well, in the unlikely event you are interested in my early musings and tossing ideas around with me, you can read the waffle below. Otherwise, you might not want to bother with the rest of this post (just though I'd try and save you some time).
As I said earlier, right now I'm just exploring, tinkering and coming up with stuff. I'm thinking about changing how battles are often entirely determined by who has higher initiative:
Archmage goes first, blows up enemy hero on first turn. Sniper goes first, kills enemy hero on first turn. Similarly for commanders and warriors. If a commander goes first his shooters can wipe out the enemy hero on his first turn (Shooters aren't the only means for this). If a warrior goes first he can have his units kill one blocker after which he can dash across the entire battlefield and kill the enemy hero in a single strike.
I'm not saying it's always like that and I'm not sure there aren't already ways to change things. Perhaps there's some item with a reincarnation passive, for example.
I'm also thinking about making things a bit more dependent on the moves you make in combat rather than what you bring to the battle field. Take morale for instance, it seems like it's a bit of a non-issue if there are no morale reducing spells or abilities brought to the battle. In such cases it seems one might as well ignore morale entirely* most of the time as it hardly ever goes below 6. I'm wondering if it might not be better if morale can be influenced more by the moves you make. So, for example, a skilful tactician might maximise morale loss for the enemy by killing his units when they have many units adjacent to them, with this resulting in an enemy force that is significantly weakened, perhaps with some enemies even reduced to "scared"\"panic" status. For this I might, for example, want to increase morale loss for adjacent unit deaths from 1 to say 3.
I'm considering somewhat similar changes for stamina. I might go into the BF var and increase the stamina hits for the various terrains. This way, even if you didn't come to battle with fatigue, stunning shot, etc. a skillful commander might still exhaust his enemies by leading them through swamps and hills. This will be a much easier change to make than increasing morale hits.
I will say though that it's not as bad I make things sound. If both sides are equipped with morale\stamina increasing\reducing abilities then things can get more interesting. If both sides don't though, then morale\stamina aren't much of a concern.
(*It can be useful to bash wimps to get morale up before a serious battle but it seems like that's about it. And that you can do that isn't necessarily a good thing since in multiplayer it could lead to morale reducing strategies being pretty useless for big battles since everybody's already got their morale sky high from bashing weaklings.)
Of course, one exception is mixing alignment, and there may be others.
Finally, I'm thinking about making the battlefield a "bigger place". I know, I know, increasing the number of hexes is impossible. But have you ever heard people saying things like: "the development of passenger aircraft made the world a smaller place". Well, how about the reverse? By reducing all speeds and ranges (maybe even reducing troop numbers), perhaps one might make the battle field something of a bigger place?
In any case, there will probably be some fun in tinkering.