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 ζ Тема ζ: More improvement please

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Просмотров: 36190
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Chaos Gates The Chaos Gates   Добавлено: Вт Апр 09, 2013 19:48   Тeмa: More improvement please

The game is interesting, but lack of many things. I know it from scratch and starting to work from ground and up. I use like Master of Magic, Heros of Might and Magic, etcs. But gotten boring in some parts of the game.

I am still trying to figure this out, since i dont see no manual at all. The weird parts is that when i tried to build something that have resources next to it to complete the process, still can build it without, so i dont know if that a glitch or what.

This game (Eador:Geneis) need better graphics and GUIs, i saw the upcoming Broken Worlds and i wasnt too impress with it. Broken Worlds, floating around in space and different planes, it doesnt seem right.

Just like to see this rewritten in 3D units, terrains, etcs and please do not stack units, its really dumb thing to do. Also like to be able to choose different races as well and more hero portaits, not all players like playing humans.

If you do a good job, you would have alot more profits along with it. That leave more options for the players to enjoy it Smile Good luck
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