Добавлено: Сб Dec 15, 2012 2:21
Заголовок сообщения:
sher писал(а):
I don't know how author feels about this (hope it does not offend him) but this is not russian game - it's ukrainian actually.
We're not total foreigners to each other, I hope this understandable tendency to call Eador "russian game" and its developers "russian" too doesn't hurt anyone's feelings. Now it has more reasons to be called "russian" because of publisher etc. but originally it's ukrainian.
It's very enjoyable to read others first impressions, thank you, it brings up good memories
Ah, I'm sorry I got it confused! Didn't mean to offend anyone, just wanted to include some general praise to what I guess is really more like the "former Soviet block" gaming industry. Games coming out of there are really unique and daring, such as Eador which fits the bill perfectly and if it's Ukrainian then praised be Ukraine as well!
мечтатель - Glad you agree and thank you!
Свитков: 8
С нами с: 15.02.2014
Добавлено: Ср Мар 05, 2014 13:26
Заголовок сообщения:
A comment from a user in another forum that made me smile:
jamotide писал(а):
Over a year later, after some deliberation, I have decided that Eador is the best game ever. And the fact that one guy made it, and it was sold on freakin release day for 4,79$ casts a huge shadow on basically every other game ever made. [source]
And the comment from the year before by the same user is also very positive:
jamotide писал(а):
This game is the pinnacle of fantasy 4x games! I have probably played over 500 hours since the gog release and it keeps getting better, incredible! And I played them all, from MoM to Homm.
I am now playing on master level, the learning curve in this game is long,but steady. Yet I am still stupefied by what the real masters on the russian forums can accomplish in the contests. [source]
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