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Why are rebels "evil"?



Свитков: 23
С нами с: 19.11.2013
СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Апр 20, 2016 20:34     Заголовок сообщения: Why are rebels "evil"?

Just curious. I noticed that they have a karma of -1. Is it simply because they usually have "evil" units (the "evil" units are nearly entirely criminals but oddly enough they have an executioner with them in higher level groups) with them? The executioner makes me curious since these units strike me as evil units upholding the law rather than breaking it.

There's also the "rebels" in the bandit hoard and when your hero approaches the location the description says : The hero %s approaches the suspicious building, something vaguely resembling a den of robbers. It looks like the criminals here might be of the most unrespected kind, and it will probably be worth cleaning out this nest of riffraff as quickly as possible. Scouting results: Number of enemies: %d. The following units were spotted among the guards: %s. What are your orders, Master? .

Are these not just regular criminals?

I guess this sort of thing is another good point of Eador. Everything is flavored.

All this reminds me of the "Fellowship of The Ring" group (I noticed them in the guard groups even though I haven't encountered them in play yet).
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Свитков: 11
С нами с: 02.02.2015
СообщениеДобавлено: Вс Мая 08, 2016 10:45     Заголовок сообщения:

I have encountered 'fellowship of the ring' group several times. Usually appear in the place as 'white mage' guard. they have fixed party of a white mage, border sentinel, 4 halflings/halfling rogue, a dwarf and elf, a swordmaster and a donkey.
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 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Мая 09, 2016 12:59     Заголовок сообщения:

2 Halflings => Pippin and Merry ?
Mule => Bill the Pony
Halfling Rogue => Frodo ?
Border Guard => Sam ??
Border Sentinel => Aragorn ?
Elf => Legolas
Dwarf => Gimli
Swordmaster => Boromir
White Mage => Gandalf

Who's the Border Guard? Smile
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