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Thoughts and suggestions for New Horizons



Свитков: 23
С нами с: 19.11.2013
СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Апр 05, 2016 22:38     Заголовок сообщения: Thoughts and suggestions for New Horizons

Note: dasdsad, I've moved your post into its own thread, as I'd like to keep the v2.60 discussion thread focused on issues affecting v2.6x
And your post touches lots of interesting points, so I anticipate a lot of answers.

Well, these are just some thoughts and suggestions I'm throwing out there. Not necessarily correct or good ideas, but hopefully they will at least provide some "food for thought".

I'll begin with some more minor suggestions, in no particular order:

1: Terrain effects on protection become negligible later on when people are hitting for 20 damage. The other terrain effects remain significant. Perhaps terrain effect on armor should come in the form of percentage damage reduction?

2: Game is a bit hardcore in some things (and I'm not talking about difficulty. I'm no SJW and Eador isn't supposed to be a safe-space game but it's not supposed to be based on emo poetry either right? I mean, cultists sacrificing babies to dark Gods and then having a blood orgy? That just seems a little extreme to the point many probably find it comedic. Don't get me wrong, I love most of the writing in Eador and the negative events are part of that (famines, floods, epidemics, e.t.c) and help to create a serious, authentic, realistic feeling for the game, but some of the very most extreme things could be toned down a little bit. All in all though, I'm just nitpicking here and in my opinion the writing in Eador is some of the very best in gaming.

3: There should be a period of time at the beginning of a game when "big" random effects can't occur. On the "negative" events we have things like being invaded by forces you can't possibly beat. On the "positive" events side we have large boons like receiving a few hundred pieces of gold which provide way to big a boost that early on.

4: There should be a reasonable "good guy" way of claiming human free settlements early on. Paying 360 gold to take it over and get a worthless guard? Lol, I wouldn't take that route even if it was free; There's no way I can afford to lose out on that XP (playing Overlord difficulty as a good guy who tends to start with a wizard hero). No, they definitely get slaughtered every time. I would suggest something like having the province peacefully join your empire after you deal with some problem with them. Killing some troublesome bandits,barbarians or monsters or something. In keeping with the "being a good guy is hard" thing that seems to be going with Eador, you can have going this route be a little worse overall than taking the province by force. Right now though there are no other options that are even remotely reasonable on Overlord other than taking the free settlements by force.

Now I'll speak about some things that are far too big for anyone to expect them to be changed in a mod. Perhaps the creators of Eador could consider these for sequels or something:

Firstly and most importantly, late game combat in Eador collapses just as it does in the "Heroes of Might and Magic" games I've played. Late game units have such high damage, range and speed that things tend to be decided in the first round (that is, by the time each side has finished a single turn). Or rather, they are pre-decided by the composition of the armies and the terrain. The battlefield is simply too small for late-game battles (though it is potentially just right for the very first turns of the game when armies are just 4-6 units). The battlefield needs to expand to accommodate increased range, speed and army size.

Secondly and second most importantly, the game tends to be decided by one large battle following a "growth phase" during which opponents barely interact with each other. Once again, this is much like the "Heroes of Might and Magic" games I've played . There should be ways to interact with your enemies before the "big clash". Perhaps something like "offensive guards" which you hire and send out to cause trouble for your enemy. Perhaps something like Civilization 5 (of course, that game is hardly a model for complex and quality combat lol) where the strategic map and the battlefield map are one. I will mention though, that the game makes a number of great changes to the model of the "Heroes of Might and Magic" games I've played that do a lot to alleviate the "one big clash decides it all" issue seen in the "Heroes of Might and Magic" games I've played:

1: Guards. These are significant forces aside from the main armies that can cause significant losses. Thanks to these guys, the game doesn't immediately conclude in "the large battle" after a path is cleared out between the players through the neutral forces and there is more than one clash between players that decides things.

2: Limited army sizes. In the "Heroes of Might and Magic" games I've played the only way sensible way to play is with one massive army into which nearly all of your forces are concentrated. Basically, you only split significant portions of your forces during the "growth phase" when your running around the map taking stuff and when your forces are constituted of many different unit types such that there is no way to get your entire army into the seven slots of a hero (a significant portion of it must be put behind other heroes). I find the latter to be a rare situation though. In Eador, the single unit system (as opposed to Heroes' "stack" system) with the limited unit slots means that you can greatly increase the size of your army by using additional heroes.
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Свитков: 5138
С нами с: 30.01.2013
СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Апр 06, 2016 15:06     Заголовок сообщения:

Thank you for your feedback!
Actually I don't think there is mutch to do. The game is pretty much done. Only one team continuing development is NH team, which has a lot of their own ideas to do and lack programming skills (to be honest game code is sorta complete technical debt).
You could also try to think of Eador as RPG game, not TBS. This is not about war between kingdoms. It is just about developing your character (heroes/units/castle/empire/provinces) and grinding treasures. The game many of us want is just another game. Eador is what it is.
20.11.2009 - 24.02.2015
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Свитков: 23
С нами с: 19.11.2013
СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Апр 06, 2016 17:44     Заголовок сообщения:

I'm just going to come clean: I forgot that this is the "Eador modding" board and thought it was the "New Horizons" board Laughing . Other developers didn't even come to mind. Laughing

"Note: dasdsad, I've moved your post into its own thread, as I'd like to keep the v2.60 discussion thread focused on issues affecting v2.6x
And your post touches lots of interesting points, so I anticipate a lot of answers."

There is a funny story there actually. First I intended to post in the v2.60 thread but somehow accidentally posted a new topic instead. Then I deleted that topic and re-posted it in the v2.60 thread. Then it got moved back. Laughing

In any case, thanks for considering it interesting. Smile

Oh and I just remembered something: Controlling the guards is an excellent change and helps create more interaction between opponents. I should have mentioned that in my first post when I was speaking about that topic.
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Свитков: 668
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Апр 13, 2016 20:06     Заголовок сообщения:

dasdsad писал(а):
Controlling the guards is an excellent change and helps create more interaction between opponents.

Kettarienne was (and maybe still is) concerned that this feature might affect game balance, because the AI sucks at managing troops on the battlefield. How do others feel about this?
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Свитков: 12
С нами с: 15.04.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Апр 20, 2016 15:15     Заголовок сообщения:

Boon947 писал(а):
dasdsad писал(а):
Controlling the guards is an excellent change and helps create more interaction between opponents.

Kettarienne was (and maybe still is) concerned that this feature might affect game balance, because the AI sucks at managing troops on the battlefield. How do others feel about this?

Personally, I love controlling the guards. And it's not like you can win against a much stronger force when you don't have a hero, against a stronger AI army with high level hero you usually can only kill a couple of the weaker units. The AI doesn't pay the guard upkeep (as far as I know), so it's good to have some use of the units you pay massive amounts of gold for every turn. I like that I no longer lose guarded provinces to random undead or barbarian raids.
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Свитков: 36
С нами с: 30.12.2015
СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Мая 26, 2016 16:05     Заголовок сообщения:

Is this possible? http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?t=3737
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