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what needs to be done for adding an extra lvl4 choice ?

   an Cat


Свитков: 16
С нами с: 07.07.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Июл 08, 2016 16:36     Заголовок сообщения: what needs to be done for adding an extra lvl4 choice ?

lets say id like to add building for giant(or cyclops, whichever is stronger) or phoenix at end tier, which then allows me to hire this unit.
can you tell me how to do it ?
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Свитков: 4
С нами с: 02.07.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Июл 11, 2016 16:36     Заголовок сообщения:

From my experimentation you can easily substitute one building for another. However, it seems you cannot easily increase the total number of buildings.

Right, onto the explanation. The text in italics is not necessary for you to read to perform the change, but if you want more info you can gain it by reading it.

First of all, open up build_group.var.

Scroll down to:

/11 Units4
Max: 1
Name: Produces fourth rank units;

Change the 1 to a 2. If you want to increase the max beyond 2, read the information below.

You don't need to read this, but if you want more information you can gain it by reading it: The number here is the max number of "group 11" buildings. Group 11 is where all the Tier 4 unit producing buildings are right now. HOWEVER, there are only so many slots on the recruitment screen. If I recall correctly, there is currently only one free slot. Thus, if you want to add more than one recruitable unit you need to clear up slots by, for example, reducing "max" in "Units1", "Units2" or "Units3"

Now open up inner_build.var.

Copy the following text:


Name: Elephant Pen;
GoldCost: 7000
GemCost: 0
Group: 11
Slot: 14
Upgrade: 0
Hidden: 0
Level: 8

Buildings: (149, 155)
Resource: (2, 2, 6, 7, 7, 7)

Ability: 8
Param1: 58
Param2: 0

Ability: 15
Param1: 47
Param2: 1;


Find the building to be substituted. Let's say "School of Necromancy".

Paste on top of the following text (that is to say, overwrite it with what you copied earlier):


Name: School of Necromancy;
GoldCost: 40
GemCost: 30
Group: 2
Slot: 34
Upgrade: 0
Hidden: 0
Level: -1

Buildings: (3, 6)
Resource: (4, 4)

Ability: 60
Param1: 0
Param2: 0

Ability: 2
Param1: 0
Param2: 0

Ability: 27
Param1: 6
Param2: 0

Ability: 46
Param1: -2
Param2: 0;


Change " Elephant Pen;" to "name: [whatever you want the building to be called]".

Keeo "group: 11" as "group: 11"

The structures are put into certain groups. group 11 is where the other tier 4 producing buildings are right now.

Change "slot: 14" to "slot: 12"

"slot: [number]: seems to specify the order of appearance of the buildings on the build screen.

Under ability 8 there is "param1: 58". Change this to "param2: [insert number of unit you wish recruitment of to be enabled by this building]"

"ability 8" is the ability of the building to enable recruitment of a particular unit/s. "Param1" is where this unit is specified. Perhaps "Param2" is for a second recruitable unit. It is perhaps even possible to add "param3", "param4", e.t.c this way to have a building offer as many units as you like.

"building: (number, number, e.t.c)" is where you specify the prerequisite buildings ("Slinger School" has none). The prerequisites are put in as the buildings' assigned numbers (For example, to set "School of Necromancy" as the sole prerequisite of a building: "building: (22)."

To find the unit number, open up unit.var and the press ctrl+F to open up the "find text" function. Type the name of the unit. The number you're looking for will appear right above "name: [unit name]"

The unit's profile looks like this (I have bolded the number):


Name: Giant;
Level: 4
Life: 100
Attack: 25
CounterAttack: 25
Defence: 3
RangedDefence: 3
Resist: 4
Speed: 2
RangedAttack: 20
ShootingRange: 5
Ammo: 3
Stamina: 24
Morale: 11
Exp: 200
ExpMod: 300
GoldPrice: 450
GemPrice: 0
GoldPayment: 90
GemPayment: 0
Subtype: (1, 24)
Analogs: (63)
UnitClass: 6
Karma: -1
SoundHit: 150
SoundShoot: 151
SoundShootHit: 113
SoundDeath: 152
Missile: 4
Resource: (0)

Siege: 101
Gather_Ammo: 53
Hill_Dweller: 593;

Lvl 01 upgrades: (3, 4; 4, 4; 13, 4; 31, 4; 47, 4)
Lvl 02 upgrades: (31, 4; 7, 4; 10, 4; 21, 4)
Lvl 03 upgrades: (3, 4; 4, 4; 34, 4; 100, 4)
Lvl 04 upgrades: (31, 4; 7, 4; 10, 4; 593, 4)
Lvl 05 upgrades: (36, 4; 4, 4; 13, 4; 21, 4)
Lvl 06 upgrades: (31, 4; 7, 4; 16, 4; 100, 4)
Lvl 07 upgrades: (3, 4; 4, 4; 10, 4)
Lvl 08 upgrades: (36, 4; 7, 4; 13, 4; 21, 4)
Lvl 09 upgrades: (3, 4; 38, 4; 100, 4)
Lvl 10 upgrades: (31, 4; 7, 4; 10, 4; 544, 5)
Lvl 11 upgrades: (36, 4; 5, 4; 13, 4; 21, 4)
Lvl 12 upgrades: (32, 4; 38, 4; 16, 4; 100, 4)
Lvl 13 upgrades: (25, 4; 5, 4; 10, 4; 487, 4)
Lvl 14 upgrades: (37, 4; 8, 4; 13, 4; 21, 4)
Lvl 15 upgrades: (25, 4; 38, 4; 34, 4; 100, 4)
Lvl 16 upgrades: (32, 4; 6, 4; 40, 4)
Lvl 17 upgrades: (37, 4; 8, 4; 14, 4; 22, 4)
Lvl 18 upgrades: (32, 4; 38, 4; 16, 4; 100, 4)
Lvl 19 upgrades: (25, 4; 8, 4; 14, 4)
Lvl 20 upgrades: (37, 4; 6, 4; 11, 4; 22, 4)

Lvl 01 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 02 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 03 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 04 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 05 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 06 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 07 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 08 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 09 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 10 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 11 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 12 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 13 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 14 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 15 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 16 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 17 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 18 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 19 loot: (0, 0)
Lvl 20 loot: (0, 0)


Take that number and insert it as mentioned before.

Building prerequisites are done by building number, so in this example even though the school of necromancy has been replaced, you can still build the higher tier necromancy spell buildings since their prerequisite, "building number 22", still exists.

[edit: note that in example, the new buildings will not appear in the construction menu BUT it CAN be built by pressing the "navigating" to it by clicking on one of it's prerequisite buildings. It will appear in the "this building is a prequisite to so and so buildings" section. You can click on it's icon there and then click on "build". I'm not exactly sure how the "slots" work but if you want the building to appear on the construction screen as normal buildings do then substitute the new building for one in the same group (example: replace "Elephant Pen" with "Giant School".]
Formerly known as Dasdsad.
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   an Cat


Свитков: 16
С нами с: 07.07.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Июл 13, 2016 12:07     Заголовок сообщения:

Oh, nice.
I have to ask how the changing Hippodrome building has been made in New Horizons, the one that morphs to Dark Brotherhood or Templars dependant on prequisites fulfilled. Do you simply prepare multiple buildings with non-clashing, other's excluding prequisites, assign them to same slot and then game shows only the one that is eligible to build ?

I have got another idea that is slightly related, what about morphing the castle to another race through an upgrade at tier0. eg. squeezing multiple castles into one.

It would function like this:
At tier 0 instead the regular buildings allowed you would have an building upgrade for the "Palisade" slot, that changes your race to another.
Fe. at first turn you will have only 3 "fort upgrades".
1. continue as human, when upgraded restores original tech-tree and you play the game as regular human.
2. become elvish castle, when upgraded changes background pic to an custom elvish one and you play the game with an alternate unit and building tech-tree, continue as human upgrade gets excluded via taking this upgrade.
3. become orcish castle, same as 2. but for morphing to orcs.
et cetera.

the one displayed on the slot will be the cont. as human upgrade, however you can right-click on it to access the morph to another race upgrade(s). (thanks for telling, janjan)

Even if it's possible there would arise an new question:
can the demesne province's inhabitant race get morphed to anything else than human, on the main strategic map ?
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Свитков: 4
С нами с: 02.07.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Июл 13, 2016 14:33     Заголовок сообщения:

"I have to ask how the changing Hippodrome building has been made in New Horizons, the one that morphs to Dark Brotherhood or Templars dependant on prequisites fulfilled. Do you simply prepare multiple buildings with non-clashing, other's excluding prequisites, assign them to same slot and then game shows only the one that is eligible to build ?

In NH the "Hippodrome", "Dark Brotherhood" and "Templar Order" buildings all require two Tier2 unit producing structures and their is no common Tier2 unit producing structure among these prerequisites (that is, they are all different Tier2 unit producing structures). Tier2 "max= 3". That is, you can have a maximum of 3 Tier2 producing structures. Thus, there is no way to meet the prerequisites for more than one of these buildings in the unaltered game.

They do indeed have the same slot. I actually didn't know the slots worked that way. Thank you for teaching me something.

You know, I had never actually thought of it as a building that morphs between sort of "evil", "neutral" and "good" buildings before. Not that I ever paid much attention to these since I've only progressed about 15-20 shards in the campaign, due to my campaign data being destroyed twice.

"I have got another idea that is slightly related, what about morphing the castle to another race through an upgrade at tier0. eg. squeezing multiple castles into one.

It would function like this:
At tier 0 instead the regular buildings allowed you would have an building upgrade for the "Palisade" slot, that changes your race to another.
Fe. at first turn you will have only 3 "fort upgrades".
1. continue as human, when upgraded restores original tech-tree and you play the game as regular human.
2. become elvish castle, when upgraded changes background pic to an custom elvish one and you play the game with an alternate unit and building tech-tree, continue as human upgrade gets excluded via taking this upgrade.
3. become orcish castle, same as 2. but for morphing to orcs.
et cetera.

the one displayed on the slot will be the cont. as human upgrade, however you can right-click on it to access the morph to another race upgrade(s). (thanks for telling, janjan) "

Something like that would work just fine. If you can create a new group in build_group.var it would be easier. If you can't, "/15 ScavensT1" or "/16 ScavensT2" should make fine sacrifices for substitution; with a bit of work you can even keep the Ratmen mostly intact and if the person doing it didn't feel like bothering, well, it's just one race. It should be easy actually (well, aside from making the content of course):

1: Change "/15ScavensT1" to "/15RaceFort". Conveniently, the max is already set to 1.
2: Substitute buildings in inner_build.var (as described in my first post in this thread) to create the new race forts .
3:Make each race fort a prerequisite (as described in my first post in this thread) for every building of that race.

There might be issues with the construction screen, but basically this should work.

"Even if it's possible there would arise an new question:
can the demesne province's inhabitant race get morphed to anything else than human, on the main strategic map ? "

I don't know about changing them during the game, but you change the human race itself in the race.var. If you want to make a game where the main race is Elves and that is the race of your stronghold, it is easy to do.
Formerly known as Dasdsad.
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 * Бессмертный *
New Horizons Team

Свитков: 1500
С нами с: 09.10.2012
СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Июл 13, 2016 15:08     Заголовок сообщения:

There are problems with changing the race of a province during the game. For instance, visuals (huts) do not update properly.
Phenomenal self as such is not an epistemically justified form of mental content.
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   an Cat


Свитков: 16
С нами с: 07.07.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Ср Июл 13, 2016 19:02     Заголовок сообщения:

"There are problems with changing the race of a province during the game. For instance, visuals (huts) do not update properly."

Hmm, perhaps that can be avoided via converting to an blank race that then turns into target race.

"Slaughter the entire populace and then migrate to Humans" function i yearn for if happent to start out with too much goblin neighbors on the map.
Perhaps it could be done in the form of an "Xenocide"-ritual that when cast on own province does that.
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Свитков: 12
С нами с: 15.04.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Июл 15, 2016 18:25     Заголовок сообщения:

"Slaughter the entire populace and then migrate to Humans" function i yearn for if happent to start out with too much goblin neighbors on the map. "

This sounds like an awesome idea. I hate gnoll provinces and wouldn't think twice about exterminating or kicking them out. Just replacing them with standard humans on "New Land" level would be great.
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   an Cat


Свитков: 16
С нами с: 07.07.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Июл 15, 2016 21:49     Заголовок сообщения:

DS писал(а):

This sounds like an awesome idea. I hate gnoll provinces and wouldn't think twice about exterminating or kicking them out. Just replacing them with standard humans on "New Land" level would be great.

yes, thats how i thought of it too.
alternately, it could be "migrate to human race" ritual that lowers region's current population level by 1, or endures x amount of turns ticking, each tick reducing the population(think like reverse growth) and at duration expiration turning to human province.
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