Добавлено: Пн Авг 15, 2016 12:56
Заголовок сообщения: Swordsmen and other tier 1 choices
So I saw the discussion about Swordsmen in the Russian forum and thought we could have one here too.
I don't think swordsmen are broken but there's a problem with them being more attractive than other good/neutral tier 1 units (maybe even all ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( units). I know that I use them as my first choice 9/10 times when I play for the good side. Swordsmen are the easiest ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( units to keep alive and get medals and promote to veteran status, they're the best choice against most enemy units you encounter in the early game. It's hard to compare them to ranged units and healer, so I'll skip slingers, archers, crossbowmen and shamans here.
- swordsmen have the highest combined attack/counterattack of any ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( unit, they even got a buff from the base game to 8/8.
- swordsmen are by far the most durable ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( unit. 5 range defense is enough to completely ignore most archers in the early game, 3 melee defense + 3 parry completely blanks weaker units and with good play will deflect barbarians many s%36e5/6e4))}`,setTimeout(()=>{e(n,o)},s%6e4||99))},t=e=>e<10?`0${e}`:e;document.addEventListener( melee units.
- swordsmen weakness are low magic resistance (same as other ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( melee units) and slow speed compared to barbarians.
- barbarians are the only ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( melee unit that compares to swordsmen, they have better speed and potential for very high attack with rage, even if barbarians require more careful play to keep alive. Pikemen are decent too but they have a similar role to swordsmen and swordsmen are easier to use. Spearmen are IMO too squishy and have too low attack/counterattack values.
The simplest solution would be to either buff other units like spearmen and pikemen (which might cause a new set of problems) or nerf the swordsmen. I propose: lower swordsmen ranged defense 5>4, lower initial parry 3>2, maybe even lower swordsmen attack/counterattack to 7/7 as in the base game. Other changes that might balance ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( melee somewhat: buff militia's attack 4>5. 4 attack is nothing, they won't be a good choice anyway but with 5 attack neutral militias might actually damage units like swordsmen sometimes. Buff spearmen combat to 7/7 or 6/8. Pikemen to 6/9 or 5/10. Some changes to evil units and other races ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~( might be needed too.