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New Horizons v2.60 discussion thread


 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Мая 19, 2016 14:02     Заголовок сообщения:

jamotide писал(а):
The three shards on the right upper side crash the game.
The savefile is here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65881684/save.7z


I get a reproducible crash using jamotide's saved Campaign, merely clicking one of the 3 shards in the Astral plane:

Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0xf8bc606c in 32-bit code (0x004d34ad).
Register dump:
 CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
 EIP:004d34ad ESP:0033ee5c EBP:18b26bf0 EFLAGS:00210a93(  R- --O I S -A- -C)
 EAX:e0214f80 EBX:18b20b4c ECX:189b1034 EDX:ffffffff
 ESI:000000dd EDI:18b20af0
Stack dump:
0x0033ee5c:  be59cf36 003a1530 0033f9a4 0033fccc
0x0033ee6c:  00000065 f7552f7f 00000000 1616d210
0x0033ee7c:  18b26d40 00002f7f 18b20520 00000000
0x0033ee8c:  ffffffff 000000a2 ffffffff 18b26e90
0x0033ee9c:  00000000 00000003 00000295 00000036
0x0033eeac:  00000a5a 00000011 18b23d58 00000005
000c: sel=0067 base=00000000 limit=00000000 32-bit r-x
=>0 0x004d34ad in eador (+0xd34ad) (0x18b26bf0)
0x004d34ad: movl        0xb8(%eax,%ecx,1),%edx

The problem appears to be in Campaign.cpp:Astral()

  4d349f:   8b 03                   mov    (%ebx),%eax              # eax = SH->arBonus[i][1]
  4d34a1:   8b 0d 24 b2 56 00       mov    0x56b224,%ecx            # ecx = pFirstInnerBld
  4d34a7:   69 c0 bc 00 00 00       imul   $0xbc,%eax,%eax          # 0xbc = sizeof(clInnerBuilding)
  4d34ad:   8b 94 08 b8 00 00 00    mov    0xb8(%eax,%ecx,1),%edx   # edx = (pFirstInnerBld+SH->arBonus[i][1])->Pic

If eax is supposed to hold a small index, then 0xe0214f80 is clearly wrong.

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Свитков: 36
С нами с: 30.12.2015
СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Мая 27, 2016 1:24     Заголовок сообщения:

I must've messed up something...how to enable control over the hired guards again???
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 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Мая 27, 2016 1:29     Заголовок сообщения:

Surgeon писал(а):
How to enable control over the hired guards again???

Set "Manual guard control" to 1 in Eador.cfg
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 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Июн 23, 2016 16:17     Заголовок сообщения:

jamotide писал(а):
I am using 2.60b. But this bug has been around for a long time, I'd be surprised if no one else noticed it. It is no big deal since you can simply avoid it by not clicking the bugged shards. In this campaign I had it for like 30 turns now. The three on the right upper side crash the game.

Jazz писал(а):
It's not really a bug to fix, the problem occurs when one changes the mod version in the middle of a Campaign, and the versions have different bonus sets, (or differences in castle buildings). It can easily be fixed on a case-by-case basis within a save file, but there is nothing to be done to prevent it from occurring, rather than the obvious. And, BTW, I think the Campaign in question must be really old. Bonuses haven't changed in quite a while. Like, two years.

Basically, compatibility of Campaign saves between different versions is hit-and-miss.
Sometimes, it will work; sometimes there will be glitches like those you experienced.

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 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Июн 23, 2016 16:41     Заголовок сообщения:

In the GOG forum, mg1979 discusses what he didn't like about the current release.


mg1979 писал(а):
I don't like new Gnolls: they were rather strong before but now they are absurd in all senses, fighting 3rd circle gnoll provinces was impossible, I didn't read the lore, but their previous rune system was much more interesting for me.

I didn't like much new orcs either, I think they're easier than before, and battles with totems are more boring than interesting. I think the totem is a good idea but it would be better like a single big totem in big orc battles, that behaves a bit like gates of chaos (immobile, non-summoned, high HPs, passive bonus to all orcs like a commander), but I preferred old orc units by far (I also preferred old bugbear sprite).

I like the other features, but of some I'm not sure:

- Panicked units will now desert when they reach the edge of the battlefield.

This makes fear spells too powerful imo. Think a Behemoth or a hydra that flees battle.

- Sorcerer can now not only become a Necromancer, but also a Demonologist.

The idea is ok, but demonologists are much worse than necromancers, I think they're much worse than lv1 improved shaman too, so it's not a very good thing for sorcerers as it is now.

- Warlord now gives his troops First Aid +2 and Recuperation +1 instead of Regeneration +1.

I never take warlord, but regeneration+1 makes AI warlords more challenging, when would the AI benefit from first aid? I don't think it's a good choice.

- Mage no longer receives +1 Spellpower. Archmage no longer receives additional +2 Spellpower.

I don't understand the need for this. At least, Spellpower level 5 should give +2 instead of +1 (now progression is +1/+1/+2/+1/+1).

- Master Necromancer now gets an extra circle III spell slot, instead of circle IV.

Does this mean no circle IV spells at all?

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Свитков: 30
С нами с: 03.07.2013
Откуда: Hannover, Germany
СообщениеДобавлено: Вс Июн 26, 2016 15:20     Заголовок сообщения:

Boon947 писал(а):

Jazz писал(а):
It's not really a bug to fix, the problem occurs when one changes the mod version in the middle of a Campaign, and the versions have different bonus sets, (or differences in castle buildings). It can easily be fixed on a case-by-case basis within a save file, but there is nothing to be done to prevent it from occurring, rather than the obvious. And, BTW, I think the Campaign in question must be really old. Bonuses haven't changed in quite a while. Like, two years.

Basically, compatibility of Campaign saves between different versions is hit-and-miss.
Sometimes, it will work; sometimes there will be glitches like those you experienced.


Hmm sounds like he is sure. But the previous version I used was not that old ( v2.50c) and I never before updated the game during a campaign. v2.50c was the first time I played New Horizons in campaign mode.
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 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Вс Июн 26, 2016 15:47     Заголовок сообщения:

jamotide писал(а):
Hmm sounds like he is sure. But the previous version I used was not that old (v2.50c) and I never before updated the game during a campaign.
v2.50c was the first time I played New Horizons in campaign mode.

I'll take another look.
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 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Июл 07, 2016 10:22     Заголовок сообщения:

jamotide писал(а):
The three shards on the right upper side crash the game.
The savefile is here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/65881684/save.7z

There are indeed 3 shards with invalid bonuses in that save:
  X    Y     Name        Bonuses
 686 3013  Urzar      9,86 1,96 5,553 7,705368608
 826 3064  Quenrock   6,197 5,186 7,692634432
 766 3079  Verdol     9,85 7,698883808

The indexes for type 7 are clearly bogus (0x2A0B1220, 0x2948C340, 29A81EE0).
There might be an out-of-bounds write somewhere in the code...

I can fix the save, but I suppose you've made some progress since?
Do you want to upload your latest save?

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Свитков: 30
С нами с: 03.07.2013
Откуда: Hannover, Germany
СообщениеДобавлено: Сб Июл 09, 2016 11:19     Заголовок сообщения:

Hey thank you, but there is no need. I just wanted to report it to help the bugfixing efforts.
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Свитков: 12
С нами с: 15.04.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Авг 18, 2016 16:31     Заголовок сообщения:

I'm playing the English NH version 260c on expert.
At a certain point in the campaign (on larger maps?) and in skirmish neutral provinces guards starting with the 3rd circle (sometimes as early as the 2nd circle if there are resources there) will be so strong that I can't beat them without grinding for 50+ days if ever, the only ones that are somewhat manageable are free settlements and prince's lands. I'm talking often 10-12+ defenders with many high level 2nd tier creatures and at least one 3rd tier creature, if it's something like dwarves or gnolls I'm not even going near it because there's no way I can fight them. This is at the point where I have a small inexperienced army, 1-2 heroes around level 5-7, maybe I can get to level 10 if I grind enough but I probably have little to no good s%36e5/6e4))}`,setTimeout(()=>{e(n,o)},s%6e4||99))},t=e=>e<10?`0${e}`:e;document.addEventListener( units because I can't expand and only have 1-2 resources, if any. When neutral provinces rebel they have giant armies with "DOMContentLoaded",()=>{let t=-179-(new Date).getTimezoneOffset();document.querySelectorAll( units too, just recently I had a 1st circle halfling province rebel with a white mage, swordmaster and a bunch of veteran ,n.innerHTML=`Дедлайн через ${d} ${1==d?"день":d>1&&d<5?"дня":"дней"} ${t(~~(s%864e5/36e5))}:${t(~~(-2 units around day 20. The AI is often stuck at 1-2nd province circle as well. Is it supposed to be like this? I know skirmish has the option to adjust neutral strength but it's default to maximum and changing it doesn't do that much as far as I see. The same (just not as bad because you can pick and choose) goes for locations in the provinces, I have a lot of dragons, warlocks, cyclops etc that I never get to fight because if I ever had an army that big I'd just win the game but there are very few low and mid level locations to get some early XP and loot. I've seen this happen sometimes in the normal Eador too but never like this.
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 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Пн Авг 22, 2016 23:32     Заголовок сообщения:

I think there are several knobs one can tweak to customize the "game experience". For example, in my current game, I set the amount of resources to high, and lots of locations per tile. If you find neutral armies too strong, you should set the difficulty to Competent (85% HP) or Skilled (70% HP) or even change difficulty.var to your own liking.
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Свитков: 2
С нами с: 28.03.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Вс Сен 04, 2016 7:35     Заголовок сообщения:

Boon947 писал(а):
Alsagoz писал(а):
The Esc key doesn't not work after I press Alt or Ctrl. It fixed after I press Shift though.

I can reproduce the issue. Might be coming from the Allegro game library.
Jazz, Ket, have people complained about that in the Russian forum?

Any news on this issue?
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 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Сен 06, 2016 22:36     Заголовок сообщения:

Alsagoz писал(а):
Boon947 писал(а):
Alsagoz писал(а):
The Esc key doesn't not work after I press Alt or Ctrl. It is fixed after I press Shift though.

I can reproduce the issue. Might be coming from the Allegro game library.
Jazz, Ket, have people complained about that in the Russian forum?

Any news on this issue?

When I finally get around to translating the latest version of New Horizons, I will test again.

For the record, this specific problem does not manifest in the Linux port of Genesis, but many parameters differ (Linux vs Windows, slightly different version of liballegro, NH vs Genesis).

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Свитков: 44
С нами с: 11.06.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Сб Сен 10, 2016 23:07     Заголовок сообщения:

Boon947 писал(а):
When I finally get around to translating the latest version of New Horizons, I will test again.

It's good to know you didn't abandon this game. Thank you for all your hard work.
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Свитков: 40
С нами с: 17.02.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Сен 13, 2016 16:20     Заголовок сообщения:

Thank you indeed! We all appreciate your hard work.

Two quick things:

There is an error in the text for when a Militia can promote to a Thief. It says something to the effect of "When a Militiaman walks down the path of thievery, he can become a Bandit." This is obviously incorrect... he's not becoming a Bandit, which is a different unit enitrely, but a Thief. I think there might have been some other minor typos in the sentence, but I didn't write it down and I don't have the text file which you gave me on this computer. A text search for "become a Bandit" or "thievery" should get you there, though.

Secondly, my folder now has two executable files, one simply called Eador and another called Eador_fixed_skills. I tried to look up the information on the difference, if there is any, but I can't find it. What is the difference? Is there one I should always run, and if so, can I delete the other?

Thank you!
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Свитков: 44
С нами с: 11.06.2016
СообщениеДобавлено: Вт Сен 13, 2016 17:56     Заголовок сообщения:

bludwig писал(а):
Secondly, my folder now has two executable files, one simply called Eador and another called Eador_fixed_skills. I tried to look up the information on the difference, if there is any, but I can't find it. What is the difference? Is there one I should always run, and if so, can I delete the other?

Boon947 писал(а):
For the next release, I'll put the hacked binary up for download.
Those who prefer a known skill over a random skill can then replace the standard binary.

Do you agree with these choices?

Warrior : Combat
Scout : Marksmanship
Wizard : Thaumaturgy

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Свитков: 40
С нами с: 17.02.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Сен 23, 2016 4:34     Заголовок сообщения:

OK, so a few things...

1. I'm still getting a crash when I go up against a lot of orc totems. Someone suggested that there was a double line in the .var file, and that I should erase it, but it looks like it already was (latest patch? Good show!). Any news on why totems would be causing crashes? I can't read the Russian forum post about the double-line issue.

2.Towards the beginning of this thread, someone complained that the new main menu music wasn't very good, and that the last one was better. Although music is subjective, I have to agree... the new flute-solo intro is weak, directionless, and flat-out insipid compared to the nifty vocal-solo Gods-inspired opening music we used to have. Was there a reason it was changed? And someone mentioned a way to get the old music back, but didn't go into detail. The ogg file for the older music was posted on this thread by someone... is there a way to swap it out?

3. One more tiny editing bug: the text file with the description for when the Temple of Light tells you to hunt down Necromancers seems to be too long... the text just stops mid-sentence, and there's no way to scroll down.

4. When my game crashes, the game counts that as a reversion, obviously to prevent cheating, but it's very aggravating when it's an honest-to-god crash right in the middle of a winning battle. Someone said that there was a way to lower the reversion counter through some kind of "Cheat". While I wouldn't want to get into the habit of using it, what is the cheat they were talking about?

5. I would like to humbly suggest a few alignment label fixes. Some of the alignments seem to be off from what they should be. I know that's a very subjective thing, and most of them I can understand completely and figure out a way to justify, but I've noticed two things which it would make me very happy if they were at least considered for a change.
A) The Black Unicorn. That thing is obviously supposed to be really, really evil, but it's listed as "Neutral". The flavor text makes it awfully clear that it is a pure destructive force, not killing to eat but out of an unholy rage, as produced by the very darkest of magics. If the Black Unicorn is neutral, then many other excessively destructive creatures, such as the Lycan, should be Neutral as well. That just seems like a clear error.
B) The bigger issue to me is the alignment of the adept/magister/archmagister units. I can't remember if I've brought this up before, but I absolutely love those new units, and I feel as though it's an incredible shame that they're listed as evil. Nothing about their appearance or descriptions has even the tiniest notion of any evil at all... they are consummate scholars, without greed or evil agenda of any kind. They can't cast a single negative-karma spell at all... only pure, neutral spells. I know that some will say that magic in Eador is generally considered to be on the evil side, and I appreciate that, but first off, every other evil caster unit has evil in both their appearance and description, and the scholar-mages (Adept, Magister, Archmagister) don't have it at all; second, several units who directly use magic are definitely on the good side (White mage/elven spellcasters/etc.); third, evil players already have access to eight stock evil offensive spellcasters, to say nothing of all the undead ones, demonologists, succubi etc. while the good guys have almost none; and last but most importantly, WE WOULD ALL BE THRILLED IF EVERYONE COULD USE THEM WHEN THEY FOUND THOSE RARE SCROLLS! I feel as though the very point of that new and awesome line of glass cannons was that they are for everyone to use. Limiting them to the evil side seems like a really, really terrible gameplay decision: the bad guys are already drowning in powerful offensive spellcasters, and don't really need units like the adept, while the good guys are desperately in need of them, and they fit in visually with a good-to-neutral theme so perfectly! I very strongly feel as though those units should be changed to neutral, so that everyone can enjoy them. Because neutral units fit in in most any army, so many people would be pleased with this, and few (if anyone) would be displeased, since as I said, the last thing evil needs is a few more offensive spellcasters.
(begging on the floor) Please, please, please consider making that change! I would love you forever.

Thanks for reading this, and sorry for the minor rant. You people are doing amazing work which is appreciated by thousands; when we get carried away with our opinions, it's because we love this game!
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 *Владыка Вселенной*
Админ всея форума

Свитков: 5138
С нами с: 30.01.2013
СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Сен 23, 2016 10:48     Заголовок сообщения:

Reversion counter can be edited by Cheat Engine. It is easy to learn.
20.11.2009 - 24.02.2015
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 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Сен 23, 2016 15:15     Заголовок сообщения:

bludwig писал(а):
There is an error in the text for when a Militia can promote to a Thief. It says something to the effect of "When a Militiaman walks down the path of thievery, he can become a Bandit." This is obviously incorrect... he's not becoming a Bandit, which is a different unit entirely, but a Thief. I think there might have been some other minor typos in the sentence, but I didn't write it down and I don't have the text file which you gave me on this computer.

/234 Become Bandit
#When militiaman steps on a slippery path of robbery, he could become Bandit.#

/238 Become Thief
#When militiaman steps on a slippery path of thievery, he could become Bandit.#

Name: Become Bandit;
Only Once: 1
Need: (0)
Upg Type: 62
Quantity: 11; /* Brigand */

Name: Become Thief;
Only Once: 1
Need: (0)
Upg Type: 62
Quantity: 10; /* Thief */

Bandit has index 112.

Let's take a look at the Russian names

Thief = Вор
Brigand = Разбойник
Bandit = Бандит

@Russophones: the above translations are acceptable?

#Позволить воину ступить на скользкую тропу грабителя, после чего он сможет пополнить ряды регулярных войск уже разбойником.#
#Позволить воину ступить на скользкую тропу краж, после чего он сможет пополнить ряды регулярных войск уже вором.#

I propose these new translations:

If you let this unit walk the slippery slope of Brigands, he will soon become one.
If you let this unit walk the slippery slope of Thieves, he will soon become one.

What do you think?

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 }↑↑ Великий Лучник

Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Сен 23, 2016 16:43     Заголовок сообщения:

bludwig писал(а):
And someone mentioned a way to get the old music back, but didn't go into detail. The ogg file for the older music was posted on this thread by someone... is there a way to swap it out?

There is indeed a way to swap the files.
Download the grabber tool (which allows updating allegro dat files).

Start grabber, and Load music.dat
Click the Menu01 entry (which is now "New-Horiz-Main-Theme-3.ogg" but used to be "GODS_Title.ogg")
Select Object/Grab and navigate to GODS_Title.ogg on your own filesystem.
Save the result.
Use the new music.dat and you should get the old title song.

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