In the configuration file, the setting of the depth of thinking of the move for the AI has been made (0 - "by eye", 1 - an approximate calculation, 2 - the most accurate calculation).
I recommend putting "2" at the beginning of the game, and when the AI move becomes long, switch to "1". I recommend setting "0" only for beginners.
Свитков: 22
С нами с: 29.04.2019
Добавлено: Ср Мар 03, 2021 21:57
Заголовок сообщения:
In the configuration file, the setting of the depth of thinking of the move for the AI has been made (0 - "by eye", 1 - an approximate calculation, 2 - the most accurate calculation).
I recommend putting "2" at the beginning of the game, and when the AI move becomes long, switch to "1". I recommend setting "0" only for beginners.
AI Hold Line (0 - not use/1 - use, default 1): 1
AI turn depth (0 - light/1 - medium/2 - high, default 1): 2 (I learnt this now thanks.)
Max illustration (default 251, max 300): 300
Max herb (default 112, max 150): 150
Thanksi thats much of it to ask
}↑↑ Великий Лучник Ветеран
Свитков: 671
С нами с: 24.09.2014
Добавлено: Чт Мар 04, 2021 2:04
Заголовок сообщения:
anl93 писал(а):
Max illustration (default 251, max 300): 300
Max illustration is the maximum number of bitmaps loaded from dat/Illustration.dat
You might wonder "why would I want to change that value?"
You wouldn't. This value should not have been exposed as a config option.
anl93 писал(а):
Max herb (default 112, max 150): 150
Max herb is the maximum number of bitmaps loaded from dat/Herb.dat and dat/HerbS.dat
Same comment as above.
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