Добавлено: Вт Окт 20, 2020 21:10
Заголовок сообщения:
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>Вот теперь казнить его!</seg>
+ </tuv>
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>Execute him now!</seg>
+ </tuv>
In russian version it suggests that we could not execute him for some reason, but it is solved now and we finally can execute him.
They can't execute him before, because he has some information.
Once he gives the info, hero may execute him.
+ <tu>
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>Выдать воину особое снаряжение, получив которое, он сможет пополнить ряды регулярных войск уже Карающей Дланью.</seg>
+ </tuv>
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>This unit may be promoted to Smiting Hand.</seg>
+ </tuv>
+ </tu>
You got the idea. A bit sloppy translation, but russian version is not worth it to be translated literally.
Yeah, I got lazy, and original text did not inspire me to be creative
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>И это хорошо!</seg>
+ </tuv>
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>That's good!</seg>
+ </tuv>
It some like an idiom in russian. It is a good expression to summarize something, to draw a bottom line. Maybe there is an idiom in english.
Literal translation is good enough.
Like "Very well!" ?
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>Каждый пересказ обрастал всё новыми подробностями, делая из наглого пройдохи чуть ли не народного героя.</seg>
+ </tuv>
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>More and more details were added with every retelling, almost turning the impudent rascal into a folk hero.</seg>
+ </tuv>
Spectacular job for someone who does not know the language. Or maybe it is just good ML, I don't know.
Google Translate did most of the translation.
These tools are getting very powerful...
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>Продолжайте!</seg>
+ </tuv>
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>Do not stop!</seg>
+ </tuv>
Simply 'Continue!'
But not that important.
How about "Keep going" ?
Still the same story line with the guy being tortured, and he asks them to stop.
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>Советники утверждают, что это один из охотников за головами.</seg>
+ </tuv>
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>Your advisers confirm that he is one of the bounty hunters.</seg>
+ </tuv>
'утверждают' is more like 'claim'. But depending on context in could be 'confirm' as well.
Google said 'claim' too, but it's a bit weird here.
I don't know why the advisers would "claim" such a thing.
Maybe the weirdness exists in Russian too.
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>Странник оказался крепким орешком.</seg>
+ </tuv>
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>The wanderer was too tough a nut to crack.</seg>
+ </tuv>
Russian version does not have this 'too' part. Just simply a tough nut. 'too' part suggests that we did not succeed with cracking it. So need to check the context.
"Too tough" because he refuses to speak, and dies while being tortured.
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>Я хотел бы пытать его вечно!</seg>
+ </tuv>
+ <tuv>
+ <seg>I would have wanted to torture him forever!</seg>
+ </tuv>
I'm not sure about this tense. Probably I need to check a grammar book to say for sure. For me it's like 'I wish I could torture him forever'.
'хотел' here is more like 'like', not 'want'.
Not very important in the grand scheme of things
Finally I would say this translation is correct and sufficient.
Cool, I think I can push a release in a few days.