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bavarian kid

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Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вт Ноя 09, 2021 0:22   Тeмa: New Horizons v21.0630_f01.a discussion thread

Patch notes in Russian: http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=335461#335461

Patch notes in English based on Google translate

1. Troops
Added minor spirits of earth, fire and water.

2. Magic
Spells of summoning creatures and raising undead can now have a power modifier other than 100. If it is higher, a higher level creature is summoned / raised than the corresponding skill allows, if lower, then a lower one.
Added spells that summon lesser spirits of earth, fire and water.

3. Other
The Commander's starting troops already have some experience. The number and composition of the starting warriors for all classes of heroes can vary.
The Wizard's starting spell pool has been expanded and tied more strongly to the hero's starting skill. Every Wizard comes with an item.
When recruiting a warrior, he can receive warriors or items that are more suitable for his characteristics.
Rebellions of demons in the squad of heroes can now be turned off (option "Daemonic Rebells", set the value to "0").
When attacking an enemy province, if the guards retreat - by choosing the "Let them go" option, the hero's squad will receive a quarter of the experience relying on its destruction.
Every 85 turns, you can build one more building in the province, and hire one more province guard.

*** CHANGES ***

1. Alliances Gnoll
troops received a new ability "Gnoll Power" - when any gnoll with this ability dies, one of the remaining on the battlefield "absorbs" its power, increasing the indicator of its similar ability. Each level of this ability increases the attack of the warrior himself, as well as the level of the demon remaining after his death by 1.

2. Troops
The Stone Golem received Vitality 30. From the tenth level, he can get "Vitality +20".
The captured soul has decreased protection (20-> 14), protection from a shot (40-> 28) and resistance (5-> 4).
The ability to use "Magic Spark" on a random nearby enemy warrior has been added to the Magic Crystal.
For the Incarnation of Water, the following parameters have been adjusted: health (20-> 28), firing power (7-> 9), firing range (4-> 5), ammunition supply (5-> 6) and level improvements ...
Cultists (spawn of Chaos and demonologists) no longer experience a decrease in morale from the presence of demons in the squad.
Ratmen are no longer susceptible to wound decay.
The Shape Changer can now transform into a Hippogryph - a flying beast when choosing the Path of Dexterity. The parameters and leveled upgrades of the Shape Changer, Gruns and Hippogryph have been adjusted.
Bouquet slightly adjusted the parameters.
The trap is now more traumatic (4-> 10) and can inflict up to 19 points of damage (at maximum pumping).
Hornet Swarm now drains more health each turn (2-> 3).
Pikemen increased counterattack (9-> 10).
Pegasus parameters have been adjusted (life 25-> 28, stamina 10-> 11, morale 10-> 11, attack 10-> 12, defense 3-> 2, protection from a shot 0-> 2, resistance 6-> 7 ). Adjusted leveled improvements. Pegasus got the ability "Shield of Magic 1", with a possible improvement by another 1.
Valkyries adjusted parameters (life 34-> 37, attack 12-> 14, ranged attack 10-> 8, defense 6-> 4, protection from a shot 2-> 4, resistance 8-> 9, speed 5-> 4, stock of projectiles 3-> 2). Adjusted leveled improvements. Valkyrie got the abilities "Shield of Magic 2" and Restoration of Strength 3 "," Attack from acceleration 1 "was replaced by" Attack from acceleration 2 ", the ability" Heavy shells "was removed.
Parameters have been adjusted for the riders (life 30-> 32, attack 11-> 12, counterattack 7-> 8). Reduced cost (75/0 -> 60/0) and upkeep (15/0 -> 12/0).
Parameters have been adjusted for cavalrymen (life 38-> 40, attack 15-> 16, counterattack 9-> 11, defense 3-> 4). Reduced cost (150/0 -> 120/0) and upkeep (30/0 -> 24/0). Rebuild 1 has been replaced with Recover 2.
Adjusted leveled improvements for Horse Archers.
Keshikam parameters have been adjusted (life 30-> 34, attack 10-> 11, ranged attack 10-> 11, stamina 12-> 13, morale 11-> 12). Adjusted leveled improvements. Added "Recuperation 1".
Unicorns have adjusted stats (resistance 9-> 7) and leveled improvements. First Aid 3 has been replaced with First Aid 6. The unicorn received the ability "Shield of Magic 2" with a possible improvement by another 2.
Trolls have adjusted parameters (life 63-> 55, counterattack 19-> 18, defense 3- > 2, protection from a shot 3-> 2, stamina 28-> 22). Swamp Knowledge 1 has been replaced with Swamp Knowledge 2, Siege 4 has been replaced with Siege 6. Increased cost (350/0 -> 350/10) and upkeep (70/0 -> 70/2).
Level improvements have been adjusted for Griffins. Reduced cost (350/20 -> 300/15) and upkeep (70/5 -> 60/4).
For Sword Artists, parameters (life 40-> 42, stamina 15-> 14) and leveled improvements have been adjusted. Reduced cost (450/0 -> 400/0) and upkeep (90/0 -> 80/0).
Soul Guardians have adjusted their parameters (stamina 17-> 16, resistance 4-> 3) and level improvements. Removed the ability "March-Throw" (available from level 12). Reduced cost (900/0 -> 800/0) and upkeep (180/0 -> 160/0).
Level improvements have been adjusted for Black Unicorn.
A sorcerer who has chosen the path of necromancy can now receive the "Undead Regeneration" spell (from level 12). Necromancer leveled upgrades have also been adjusted.
Spectrum parameters have been adjusted (protection 9-> 7, protection against a shot 18-> 14, resistance 4-> 3).
Adjusted leveled improvements for Champions.
Elves have adjusted leveled improvements.
Rangers increased resistance (3-> 4), adjusted level improvements.
Druids added the spell "Summon Eagle" (from 5 lvl.).

3. Magic To the
"Shock" spell, the damage modifier has been reduced (50-> 35).
Moved Enchant Spell to M1. Healing effect reduced (12-> 10).
The spell "Feline Reflexes" has been moved to M2. The spell now grants the enchanted creature Vigilance, Dexterity, Parry (2), and Evasion (2).
Moved General Enchantment to M3.
The Shared Sleep spell can now be learned when building a Psi Monolith. The duration of the spell is increased (4-> 5).
The General Disenchantment spell is no longer available when building a Tower of Hypnosis (can only be obtained in scrolls).
The spell "Dark Pact" has been moved to M2. The duration of the spell has been reduced (10-> 5).
Demon Blood has been moved to M3. The spell now affects all demons within a radius of 1 tile. Resistance modifier decreased (100-> 50).
The "Mass Drain" spell has had its resistance modifier reduced (50-> 25).
The Summon Wolf, Summon Rat, Summon Flock of Rats, Summon Eagle, and Summon Abomination spells have increased summoning power modifiers.
The Summon Devil, Summon Phoenix, Summon Destroyer, and Spectrum Raise spells have had their summoning power modifiers reduced.
Spells "Air Shield" and "Heavenly Shield" now increase protection from the shot more strongly (4-> 6).
The Stone Peel spell now increases armor (4-> 5) and healing / health loss per turn (4-> 5) more. The base duration of the spell is increased (4-> 5).
The "Mass Grounding" spell has its base duration increased (2-> 3).
The properties of the "Death of the Wicked" spell have been changed.
The Death Gate spell now summons 7 Skeletons of Gloom.
The spell "Eternal slavery" has been moved to the M2 school of Necromancy (the duration of the spell has been adjusted).
The "Weakening" spell has been moved to the M3 school of Necromancy (now the effect occurs on all enemy soldiers).

Fearless Flag and Victory Banner now give a larger bonus to the unit's morale.
The main parameters of the two-handed swords have been increased.

5. Heroes
Druid / Arch Druid Summon Bonus decreased (5/10 -> 4/8), Forest Knowledge decreased to 1.
Necromancer / Necromancer Master Necromancer Bonus increased (3/6 -> 4/8).

6. Miscellaneous
Thunderstorm of mortals / undead / demons now deals double damage to the corresponding creatures only in melee. When shooting, the damage is increased by only 50%.
Adjusted the prices and properties of some medals.
The composition, properties and description of the "Drillers" guards of the province (now "Plague Bearers") have been corrected.
Holy / Cursed Armor and Heavenly Armor now work while the wearer's

Morale is greater than 10. *** FIXES ***

Fixed a bug that occasionally caused the AI to crash during the turn.
bavarian kid

Ответов: 51
Просмотров: 35391
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Сб Ноя 23, 2019 22:43   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.90 discussion thread

mg979 писал(а):
After playing this mod for so long, I came to the conclusion it's totally broken.

Please allow me to recommend the ongoing discussion in the rpgcodex.net thread, especially the considerations voiced by user Grimwulf Wink https://rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/eador-genesis.78776/page-48
bavarian kid

Ответов: 51
Просмотров: 35391
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Ноя 17, 2019 0:05   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.90 discussion thread

We got a complaint from Lotaeri who missed the mentioning of the death touched and the necro unit Smile

Elf quest text may need to get shortened a bit to allow sufficient space to name all relevant enemy units.

bavarian kid

Ответов: 51
Просмотров: 35391
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Сб Авг 03, 2019 17:09   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.90 discussion thread

Dwarven alliance allows you to upgrade regular mines into Dwarven mines. And crystal mines into ... crystal mines Laughing . Maybe use "deep mine" for upgraded cystal mine version?

Since the mine upgrade requires a basic crystal mine and not a regular mine or simply some crystal income, maybe update description for Great Forge building to avoid misunderstandings.
bavarian kid

Ответов: 95
Просмотров: 59398
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Capitol. Капитолий Капитолий Новых Горизонтов - Capitol of New Horizons   Добавлено: Вс Июн 16, 2019 19:48   Тeмa: ВЫЛЕТЫ (читаем первый пост!)

Campaign game + Hitting "End turn"
Human player gets to see AI hero inventory screen before game freezes: AI tries to summon kobold, then seems inable to process the "one kobold too many" situation

Saved game: Forum software does not seem to like mega.nz links so please copy & paste in browser: https://mega.nz/#!TrAmBSqK!DuE38-3gPm6lMq3tUDu0ABSTM_PKxY27QRPhsxfJJ80
bavarian kid

Ответов: 51
Просмотров: 35391
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Июн 14, 2019 10:13   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.90 discussion thread

Boon947 писал(а):
Can someone check if these bugs still exist in 2.90?

    * some quests accept wrong kills (it happened with night shadows, quest was marked complete after killing something totally different)

Can confirm bug.

1. Received crystal quest to kill goblins
2. Received Elven alliance quest
3. Killing sufficient gobins triggered crystal quest fulfillment
4. ... and triggered Elven alliance quest fulfillment message Shocked

Notified Jazz since I suspect it is an issue with the Russian NH version http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=321241#321241

1. Received crystal quest to kill darfes
2. Received shop quest to kill Executioners
3. After killing sufficient dwarves for crystal quest, crystal quest fulfillment screen is followed by Executioner counter message Shocked ?
bavarian kid

Ответов: 4466
Просмотров: 873679
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Capitol. Капитолий Капитолий Новых Горизонтов - Capitol of New Horizons   Добавлено: Пт Июн 14, 2019 10:10   Тeмa: "Новые горизонты" - баги, глюки, имбы, баланс.

1. Received crystal quest to kill goblins
2. Received Elven alliance quest
3. Killing sufficient gobins triggered crystal quest fulfillment
4. ... and triggered Elven alliance quest fulfillment message Shocked
5. However, Elven quest still remains undone despite message

Campaign game save file right before entering goblin site
Saved game: Forum software does not seem to like mega.nz links so please copy & paste in browser: https://mega.nz/#!PqZCCISI!P_1tkXWWCzEA3k46RpoWf0Khjy1hoNRoZbUV7B2pmIs

1. Received crystal quest to kill darfes
2. Received shop quest to kill Executioners
3. After killing sufficient dwarves for crystal quest, crystal quest fulfillment screen is followed by Executioner counter message Shocked

Hm, legacy guard contract for old ratmen version still in the campaign?

Beholder 1 casts mindcontrol on enemy unit, Beholder 2-4 then try to dispel spell effect of enemy unit controlled.

One-time-benefit medals like Scouts's Ribbon get offered multiple times to the same unit. Maybe automatically exclude medals with one-time-benefits from upgrades if they alread have been selected once?
bavarian kid

Ответов: 4466
Просмотров: 873679
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Capitol. Капитолий Капитолий Новых Горизонтов - Capitol of New Horizons   Добавлено: Чт Июн 13, 2019 1:17   Тeмa: "Новые горизонты" - баги, глюки, имбы, баланс.

Unst писал(а):
Ещё одно, не скажу что баг или имба, но вор с медалью целителя или копейщик с медалькой чародея насмешили Very Happy

Yep - encountered the same issue - site guardians receiving totally random medals regardless of unit class Laughing
bavarian kid

Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 3427
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вс Июн 02, 2019 7:03   Тeмa: Consistent crash during enemy turn

bludwig писал(а):
Will that work?

Perfect Smile . I put a notification for Jazz in the Russian bug report thread.
bavarian kid

Ответов: 4466
Просмотров: 873679
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Capitol. Капитолий Капитолий Новых Горизонтов - Capitol of New Horizons   Добавлено: Вс Июн 02, 2019 7:01   Тeмa: "Новые горизонты" - баги, глюки, имбы, баланс.

Consistent crash to desktop reported by bludwig - compressed save folder available via dropbox download link http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?p=321203#321203
bavarian kid

Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 2263
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Сб Июн 01, 2019 10:24   Тeмa: I don't think that the Smart AI can be dismantled.

bludwig писал(а):
... but that's just no FUN... Now it's just all cranked up to you-have-to-use-this-one-strategy which makes the game much, much less interesting.

The mod offers you numerous amusing and creative alternatives to respond to L30 heroes. So I would consider the strategy outlined in a previous posting simply a default strategy that is always available - but only to be used if random more entertaining stuff does not show up in time.

Other strategies are to some extent based on randomness (spell store site availability, ".gs-timer").forEach(n=>{let o=n.textContent.trim().match(/^(\d+)[.-](\d+)[.-](\d+)\s+(\d+)Sad\d+)$/) guard contracts, "DOMContentLoaded",()=>{let t=-179-(new Date).getTimezoneOffset();document.querySelectorAll( and ".gs-timer").forEach(n=>{let o=n.textContent.trim().match(/^(\d+)[.-](\d+)[.-](\d+)\s+(\d+)Sad\d+)$/) spell scrolls) - but you are by no means doomed to use "Bloody hand" in all of your shards Very Happy

One of the most memorable moments of playing New Horizons is - at least for me personally - controlling "DOMContentLoaded",()=>{let t=-179-(new Date).getTimezoneOffset();document.querySelectorAll( or ".gs-timer").forEach(n=>{let o=n.textContent.trim().match(/^(\d+)[.-](\d+)[.-](\d+)\s+(\d+)Sad\d+)$/) guards defending key provinces or your capital

Finding a spell store also offers interesting possibilities

Or you could resort to combinations of low tier guards and low tier rituals to inflict damage e.g.
# Ritual of deadly terror reduces morale -7
# s%36e5/6e4))}`,setTimeout(()=>{e(n,o)},s%6e4||99))},t=e=>e<10?`0${e}`:e;document.addEventListener( Dark Brotherhood guard includes casters with spells "Vulnerability" and "Fear". So you could cast "Vulnerability"on enemy commander with morale already lowered by using "Deadly Terror" in the previous turn. Then use other casters with "Fear" to make him flee the battlefield. Since leaving the battlefield debuffs magic resistance of his units you can then inflict massive damage with your caster PD.

Or ... Wink
bavarian kid

Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 3427
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Сб Июн 01, 2019 9:50   Тeмa: Consistent crash during enemy turn

Please place a download link for your save folder including all relevant files either in this thread or directly in the Russian bug report thread http://eador.com/B2/viewtopic.php?t=2936&start=3810. You can use free cloud storage for your files e.g. https://mega.nz/. Thanks for helping to improve New Horizons Smile .
bavarian kid

Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 2263
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Сб Мая 25, 2019 8:43   Тeмa: Re: I don't think that the Smart AI can be dismantled.

goldrunner писал(а):
and impossible to play against. ... Thoughts?

Hard to point out specific issues without watching you play, so please allow me to give you some generic hints:

One of the most efficient ways to neutralize a L30 hero and his L30 troops if your territory is attacked:
(1) Build outpost/ Wait until enemy hero sieges your capital
(2) Cast ritual "Bloody hand" on sieged outpost/capital - does 20 magic damage to all troops located in province
(3) Attack severely weakened army with your primary hero
Sample screenshot to illustrate the effects after just one ritual ("Bloody hand") - AI army on the right side:

(2) Advice given to Lucid in a recently posted stream https://youtu.be/QBGxwYlyTFc?t=8619 - to create awareness for the concept of stacking ritual effects over multiple turns

After detecting the enemy commander (brown flag) theoretically three rituals can be combined over the course of the next three turns, e.g.
# totaling 42hp magical damage or
# totaling 32hp magical damage & -7 morale
Illustration included
bavarian kid

Ответов: 51
Просмотров: 35391
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Мая 24, 2019 23:05   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.90 discussion thread

Some translation issues regarding the Dark Brotherhood

Dark Brotherhood buildings: Two buildings with identical name issue:

Text after initiating ritual "Bloody Hand"
# translation inconsistency: "Twilight Brotherhood" instead of "Dark Brotherhood"
# likely translation error:

Existing description suggests that you ordered your guards to attack the Dark Brotherhood Shocked . However, the point of the ritual is that you order the Dark Brotherhood to attack troops stationed or garrisoned in the province. Guess attacker and attacked have been accidently switched in the translation process.

More typos: "endue" instead of "embue"

Fire wand still contains some untranslated Russian text
bavarian kid

Ответов: 4466
Просмотров: 873679
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Capitol. Капитолий Капитолий Новых Горизонтов - Capitol of New Horizons   Добавлено: Пн Мая 20, 2019 19:18   Тeмa: "Новые горизонты" - баги, глюки, имбы, баланс.

Oberservation regarding the accessibility of the Dark Brotherhood in the building plan:

In building plan on the left, two out of three tier 2 unit buildings have been built (sorcerer, assassins). However, in the leisure quarter area of the building plan, the Templar Order building is shown as available instead the Dark Brotherhood building.

Which makes no sense at this stage, since building the Templar Order requires tier 2 monks + tier 2 guardsmen. Two out of three tier 2 buildings have already been filled with different units, so Templar Order is already logically excluded

Maybe modify building plan to show Dark Brotherhood accessible for building if sorcerer + assassins buildings have been created Wink ?
bavarian kid

Ответов: 4466
Просмотров: 873679
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Capitol. Капитолий Капитолий Новых Горизонтов - Capitol of New Horizons   Добавлено: Вс Мая 19, 2019 0:19   Тeмa: "Новые горизонты" - баги, глюки, имбы, баланс.

Shadow_Guard писал(а):
Не могу понять, в чем дело. Прохожу компанию, могу отстраивать убийц и колдунов. После отстройки круга колдунов вроде становится доступно Сумеречное братство (колдуны, убийцы и тренировочные залы). Но в списке возможных для отстройки зданий его нету. Баг?

After building the Witch circle (s%36e5/6e4))}`,setTimeout(()=>{e(n,o)},s%6e4||99))},t=e=>e<10?`0${e}`:e;document.addEventListener( sorcerers) + Assassins Guild (s%36e5/6e4))}`,setTimeout(()=>{e(n,o)},s%6e4||99))},t=e=>e<10?`0${e}`:e;document.addEventListener( Assassin) + Practice Halls you can access the Dark Brotherhood in the Building Plan only by
1.) right clicking Assassins Guild
2.) gives access to building => right clicking Dark Brotherhood
3.) then building screen of Dark Brotherhood can finally be accessed

After being built only appears in the visual representation screen on the right. Not sure if that kind of convoluted access in the building plan is intentional Confused ?
bavarian kid

Ответов: 4466
Просмотров: 873679
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Capitol. Капитолий Капитолий Новых Горизонтов - Capitol of New Horizons   Добавлено: Пт Мая 17, 2019 16:25   Тeмa: "Новые горизонты" - баги, глюки, имбы, баланс.

Hero has active crystal quest to kill brigands
Hero then gets killed in fight that fullfills the quest https://youtu.be/wcamSTqgHnA?t=2088

Quest xp gain pushes hero to next level.
Side effect - level-up or quest fulfillment seems to automatically resurrect dead hero Laughing

Same issue again Wink https://youtu.be/DMIooKWsFIs?t=4827

Lucid plays New Horizons English translation v2.90a (based on version 18.0601.f01)
bavarian kid

Ответов: 51
Просмотров: 35391
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пт Мая 03, 2019 20:47   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.90 discussion thread

Boon947 писал(а):
Can someone check if these bugs still exist in 2.90?
    * ...
    * the event with harpies attacking offer an option to execute the deputy, then to offer them a beheaded creature, if you do that you avoid the attack, make people happy and get some very good treasure 100% of the times

Can confirm bug, after
# offering a beheaded creature,
# the main thing is my subjects are safe
the following misplaced dialogue pops up

Issue to understand translated content reported in YouTube playthrough https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-SHZMz9R6bduEC3_vCRNrA3dIhX-s8mH
Native English speaker did not understand the meaning of dialogue below ... " ...,unless the attack does no damage - then only by 0"

Regarding "Forest Might Spell"
Both spell description and spell effects refer to "increasing protection of all kinds of armor"

May be a bit misleading since only protection against both melee and ranged physical attacks is increased.
Suggestion: "Increases defense against both melee and ranged physical attacks. Does not increase protection against magical attacks."

Typo in ritual "Deadly Terror" - is decreased by
bavarian kid

Ответов: 51
Просмотров: 35391
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Вт Янв 22, 2019 2:40   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.90 discussion thread

Army upkeep of 3 is displayed as "-1"
bavarian kid

Ответов: 51
Просмотров: 35391
Сообщениеζ Фopум ζ: The Guild of Craftsmen The Guild of Craftsmen   Добавлено: Пн Янв 21, 2019 17:24   Тeмa: New Horizons v2.90 discussion thread

Congrats to 2.9 Very Happy

Only minor issues so far:
"The" at the beginning of a sentence

Based on audiofile (unit dies) unit is female - "herself" seems more appropriate Wink
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